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New Spell Checking and Formatting Tools

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New Formatting Tools Have Been Added

Well... after several requests, we have updated the SCOUTER Forums to include a easy to use format tool that allows you to change colors and sizes and quote text from other posts, etc.

We have also now added a SPELL CHECKER to the system... it's a third-part tool called ieSpell, that you download to your computer and that integrates spell checking into your IE web browser.

To use the format tool or spell checker just click on the "FORMAT THIS POST" link to the left of the Message window when creating new posts.



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Excellent! Now I stand a chance of at least looking intellegent! Terry, I'm betting the last reason in the world you do this is accolades, but you've done great things with this forum. You should be extremely proud. Congratulations! Mark

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  • Administrators

Thanks Mark, and others. We've been doing this site since 1994, and I only wish I had more time to contribute to making it even more valuable to grassroots Scouting. It's certainly a labor of love, not just for me, but for dozens of people that have been involved over the years.


Good news though, we have been working on several improvements to the entire site during some rare down time over the past month, and we'll be rolling those out as they are completed.


Your suggestions are always welcome, and nearly always appreciated! :-) (This message has been edited by a staff member.)

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