Thanks to all who've replied... You're pretty much winding up where my coleaders and myself have; it's too late now. Our district is 'strict' on the rules, so we try to follow their lead so that none of the cubs who advance to district are disqualified when they get there.
It's unfortunate, but not surprising, that this is our pack's "THAT family" --- you know, the one that EVERYONE who's ever been involved with scouting has encountered... the ones that never seem to get it... the one who has told us several times that it doesn't matter what they did so long as they can't get caught. *pause to bang my head on the wall* We'll look ahead to try to plan better for next year... and hope the examples set by the families who are trying to live up to the ideals sinks in... eventually!
happy scouting to all!
DD(This message has been edited by dragonden)