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Everything posted by Akuna

  1. I have come across your forum, albeit a little "out of date"! I am in Australia, so your Law is a little different to ours, but when I was in Scouts, I was taught the Law using a little rhyme. I have recently signed up to become a Scout Leader after being out of the movement for a number of years, and I found I immediately knew the Scout Law, because of the little rhyme. Problem is, I cannot remember it all! After reading posts above, it seems to be based on a number of different mnemonic methods. What I do remember is below: A Scout is... 1. Trustworthy (dont remember this one!) 2. Loyal (picture 2 L's as 2 Hockey Sticks) 3. Helpful (3 little words - "May I Help?") 4. Friendly (F for Four, F for Friendly) 5. Cheerful (Number 5 on its side looks like a smile) 6. Considerate (Convict Number 6 Named Sid) 7. Thrifty (Don't remember this one either!) 8. Courageous (Don't remember this one, but thinking maybe 8 looks like a B for Brave?) 9. Respectful (Number 9 looks like it is bowing) 10. A Scout Cares for the Environment (Picture a large red X on a tree, like trees that have been marked for logging - X being the Roman Numeral for 10) Worked for me! And I would like to teach it to the Scouts here, but cannot remember the rhymes for 1, 7 and 8... Tried googling it with no luck - that's how I stumbled upon your forum! If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it! Thanks, Akuna
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