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Everything posted by DougD

  1. The $3 million in improvements for CFE has been a figure that's been bantered about. However, at the CFE 75th Anniversary (2004), money was raised for this. That money has yet to be invested in CFE. That number continues to be used as fodder for reasons to sell, yet donations already were made to cover it. It appears Council is using CFE as some form of cash cow to milk money from the community. However, Council doesn't wish to answer direct questions about the issues.
  2. QUOTE: I believe you and Red Dog and your followers have missed the point. END QUOTE Sorry Brent, it's YOU that miss the point. Well-evidenced further in your post. QUOTE: But now, Red Dog and his group are suing to rezone the property. If the property is rezoned, the developers are out of the picture, and so are the development rights - no payment from any conservation group or agency to purchase them. The property value is diminished, with no remuneration to the owners - gee, what a great deal for the Scouts! Not!! END QUOTE Red Dog and his group are NOT suing to rezone the property. You are the one sorely in need of having their facts straight before posting on the subject at hand. The Manatee County Boys Development Association has sued to prevent a SALE. The COUNTY is undertaking a rezoning effort, NOT the MCBDA. QUOTE: So, how much did the actions of Red Dog and his group cost the Council? Possibly millions. As we used to say in school - smooth move, Ex-Lax. END QUOTE Council chooses to continue the legal battle and invest the funds. Council also threatens to sue the County over the rezoning effort. Who makes those decisions? Certainly not Red Dog et al. Council easily has the ability to stop the financial bleeding of funds paid to lawyers by dropping their opposition to the suit, agree to maintain the property for Scouting, and stop threatening to sue anyone that undertakes an action to preserve the property. Yanking people's BSA membership is something that will also likely lead to legal fund investments, for again no sensible reason.
  3. Bill (capnwhizz), I have to take issue with much of your posting. Quote: I understand that Mr. Kaiser and others think they know what is going on, but they seem to be motivated by emotion and rumor. There has never been a solicited offer for Camp Flying Eagle, no submitted offered was ever accepted, and there is no plan to sell the camp. However, no board could fulfill its fiduciary duty to a council by not at least reviewing and discussing offers submitted End Quote Emotion and rumor? You're a member of the savecfe.org site. There is a profound LACK of emotion and rumor. The site's purpose is to educate people by presenting the FACTS. The news reports, in their entirety, are posted along with crediting links. If those are "emotion and rumor", I'd suggest you have to take issue with the varied reporters providing this news. As for fiduciary responsibility, does not an obligation associated with the land gift bear consideration? Land gifted for perpetuity does not become land worthy of "listening to offers" for the sale thereof. Again, is this emotion and rumor, or is this documented fact in meeting minutes from the MCBDA? Quote: The actions taken by "Red Dog" Maynard with regard to the suit filed against the council and his promoting a rezoning of the property, lowering the value of the camp by millions, cause serious damage to Scouting throughout the Southwest Florida Council. Mr. Maynard has chosen to operate outside of typical Scouting channels and procedures without once offering to work with the Executive Committee. He could at any time have asked to talk with any or all of the Executive Committee, and we would have been more than willing to hear and discuss his ideas about how to keep Camp Flying Eagle a viable tool for Scouting in the Council. He chose, for his own reasons, to work outside of the program, resulting in a significant amount of harm to Scouting in Southwest Florida, in my opinion. This does not reflect the actions of someone loyal to Scouting, but those of someone with his own agenda. End Quote It would seem that Red Dog's actions were taken as the result of a Council not willing to listen to the voices of the community. The uproar related to selling the camp began long before any legal action did. Does the value of the land matter? Taxes are not being paid on the land, and even if they were, lower value would be beneficial to Council operating funds. The land, as gifted, is not intended for sale. How does value therefore matter? The ONLY potential value in that would be as an appraised value for equity lending. His actions show great loyalty to the Scouts of the area, to the community, and to the intent of the organization that donated the property. Council's actions appear contrary to these. You have publicly made your presence known on savecfe, yet have not responded to any questions. I've asked for simple detail as to your position with Council and what it truly means. Surely you've seen the question. I've asked on several occasions that Council actually enroll and participate. Communication between Council and the Manatee County Scouting community is horribly absent. Here is a tool that can help repair that. I have requested that any communications to Council be professional, courteous and polite. I would maintain that same decorum on the site. Several direct and clear questions to various Council members have been posed, and subsequently ignored. Instead, a post appears here away from the main source of the discussion at hand? I'm not hiding behind anything. In fact, I don't hide behind any cryptic name whatsoever on the site, or here. I have nothing to hide, I want the discussions to be open, honest, and out in the open. FOr the record as well, Colonel Maynard's actions are not costing the Council funds, Council's actions are. The entire matter can cease causing expense if Council drops their resistance to the case and stops threatening legal action against the County as well.
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