Oh yes...
I believe every Troop has come across this issue.
Summer Camp: I have taken the lead for the last 2 Summer Camps, I must tell you, I am not a fan of the Friday Family Night! Home Sickness sets in and well you heard the rest.
We have had the usual 1 or 2 scouts that leave early, then it's like a domino effect, more start to ask. You have to be firm with the Scout and the Parent.
The ones that must leave, there's always the chore of cleaning up the patrol boxes at the next meeting. (usually it's the next day, Monday) If there are no patrol boxes, then it's clean the QM Closet.
This is always good when you have more then one scout that leaves early. Do this enough times, then they will rethink about it.
Looks as I will be in charge of the next Summer Camp also... I will bring this issue up at one of our Parent's Meeting to be sure to get the word out. Might as well be up front with them so there is no misuinderstanding.
Doug Walker