Hello all. I just stumbled across this Forum today, and knew I had found something great! I recently volunteered at our church to "help" with Boy Scouts (5+ months ago). The whirlwind that followed was something I wasn't prepared for, but am enjoying.
I don't have any boys in scouting (my boy is 2). I am officially an Assistant Scoutmaster, with no previous adult leader training. Our SM comforted me, and said that I would do just fine.
I was a Cub Scouts (many, many years ago), but never was involved in Boy Scouts. Boy, did I miss something big back then!
For now, I'm simply learning the ropes (no pun intended). I've attended most of the Adult Leader training required (all expect Intro to Outdoor Leader Skills). My biggest struggle is simply fitting in. I need to pickup on all the things new scouts do, but do so as an Adult Leader. Heck, I'm still trying to figure out lashings!
I hope to learn as much as possible from this forum, from our SM, and from my experiences. My goal is to make Scouting everything it can be for the Scouts.
Thanks in advance for all your knowledge, and look forward to a number of questions from me in the future.