Hey Gunny,
While not technically a Jarhead I am a former FMF Corpsman who served exclusive with the Corps from 1981-1994. Now I'm a LT with a career Fire Dept in NY.
I am an Eagle Scout (Class of '80), Vigil Honor OA (Past Lodge Chief), former ASM.
Last fall the local council held an "Eagle Scout Reunion" of all Eagles who either earned the award in the area or earned it elsewhere and moved into the area. There were more than 400 Eagles in attendance. I ran into the Scoutmaster of my old troop and he "gently" reminded me that the program could always use leaders. So after a bit of shift swapping at work I managed to get meting nights off. I help out where I can and as the rotating shifts allow.
Leadership is leadership whether it's recruits or scouts.
Semper Fi
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