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Everything posted by DLChris71
Surprisingly impressed with scoutshop prices and products
DLChris71 replied to Scoutfish's topic in Camping & High Adventure
I don't know if you headed to Jacksonville or Wilmington, but I always liked Outdoor Provision Company at Hanover Center (on Oleander across from the mall). Now they aren't cheap but the quality is good and the staff is pretty good. They have a mix of stuff, so anyone area they aren't going to have a huge selection. I have found that if you can go ahead and take your measurements (height, waist, chest, torso height) you can usually get specs on packs to match up. Sometimes going to a good retailers website such as REI and then shopping around at Amazon or others for the same model can net you a deal. -
I had a red beret and a red front ball caps. In retrospect neither was quite a good piece of headwear for scouting. The beret was nice in the spring and fall on cool days with not much sun and not much weather. The ball cap is/was a hat. These days I go around with the Brimmed Hat from supply, but with out the leather straps that are pretty impractical. The beret to me could be a practical head piece working in trail maintenance in certain circumstances, where the idea is to keep crawlies out of your head. But for the most part it is a headgear that is meant to distinguish a group from others, perhaps being special. Which is pretty interesting giving its origins.
Yes, I suppose if we start using all that stuff that it really becomes like work. I know that one of the things I like about meetings and trainings is that I get to be with adults that aren't necessarily looking for me to get on some work task. I'm just a DL right now but our Pack just doesn't seem to be clicking along like it should. I was talking to my CC last night about some our issues. I have been paying attention to what SP has said about integrating new parents and having a good introduction. I hope to bring some of his ideas up in our planning meeting. We have parents that want to help but we as a pack, and I think I as a den leader haven't been doing a good job getting everyone socially involved. I think maybe we skipped some of the basic steps.
I know that we all like to meet face to face to discuss things. But it seems like, for a long time now, that people find it more convenient to meet via the internet. I was wondering if there was anyone out there that has moved leader meetings, committee meetings, etc. to something like Skype, Yahoo! Voice Chat, or one of the other mediums. It seems like a lot of times decisions and discussions happen over e-mail or a phone call anyway. I'm wondering if our unit would get more participation (we don't hold leader meetings and committee meetings are sparsely attended), if we went toward an internet solution rather than gnashing teeth over low in person participation.
At the Spring Camp we had a few days ago they were organized... 1 Trainer, going over safety and range procedures. There were two groups of 8 shooting positions Each Group had one person in charge of the group and one scorer. Each cub scout was usually accompanied by an adult. Things ran very smooth as far as shooting goes, but not much instruction.
With a group that big why not just go with one of the larger party boats?
Packsaddle- Ah, I did not see where I had to choose one or the other, with both at the same time. If I were to choose which one to attempt to intercede on it would have to be the murder of course. However God still views both as a sin and as such both would need to be addressed. So a scout is juggling axes around the campfire and another is off stealing a patch out of a tent. We stop the axe juggling first. But we don't just let the patch thief off the hook because we are exasperated by the more dangerous situation. >>>>>>>>>>>> "My bible says..." That's nice. Earlier I said something to the effect that if you "go to see the cow, you should expect to hear it moo." So BSA has a policy on homosexuals, sends a representative to the world council, and there is a vote on human rights for all regardless of everything including sexual choice. Mind you that such an open ended motion opens up the platform to homosexuality, sodomy, bestiality, etc. So they hold the vote and surprise the BSA votes against...the cow goes moo. You wish to debate with me about the BSA policy on homosexuality. I'm against it. I have a religious belief that I have talked about here. You say that your bible doesn't agree with my bible, or you want to talk about ranking the importance of sin. My position is that God is an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent. He describes what is right and wrong. I am bound by love of God and thanks for his providence in my life to live by his commands and to encourage others to do so. Whether "you" listen and agree with me is in the larger scheme of things irrelevant to me. I am bound though to follow my God or suffer the consequences. If asked should a sinner be in a leadership position in anything, my answer is no. Should someone that repents be in a leadership position, yes so long as being placed in that position would not unduly tempt the person. A recovering alcoholic should not be running a bar. Whether "I" listen and agree with the commandments and instructions left to me is relevant to me since my actions must be accounted for. Thus if you go to see the cow, expect it to moo. So if there is nothing else I will simply moo.
The only pamphlet I can find on it says that details for the award won't be released until Fall 2012. http://www.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/projectstem.pdf
The funny thing is I wasn't hitting the target to well at McNeil either. But I have to put that more down to an unfamiliar weapon and not having shot in the past...wow 15 years. I did buy a Buck 105 exactly for the fact that they are the ones used at McNeil. I hope after a couple of 1000 shots that we can maintain ours in decent condition. When I was a kid my Grandfather, let me use his pump action BB rifle starting when I was about 7 years old. That thing was solidly built, this Buck 105 we got is more stiff than solid
Paper Clip vs. Murder I don't know that I'm much of a convincing type. If I had foreknowlege of such things I would ask the person why they wanted to do such a thing. Talk to them about why it is wrong. And then failing that I would have to offer up my own paper clip/life to protect someone else and/or seek assistance from a higher authority. But these are things that a person would do, and I understand that some may disagree. But then God holds all sin to be equal. You might think that a paper clip is not equivalent to a life, or that it might not be worth losing a friend or a life for certain things. In either event trying to deal with someone with a sin weighing on them, for it does weigh on a person's soul once it is even considered, should be done with as much grace, humility, and love as possible. I am often reminded that unlike Christ's original 12 disciples, who you could see and hear about their sins and failings, that really to me Paul's admission that sin weighed on him and that he was only able to proceed with the grace of God to be the most telling. Though not as graphic as Job in the Old Testament. When making these choices a person has to acknowledge who's going to know and who is going to judge. God will always know and his judgement is final. Then also an unrepentant paper clip thief and unrepentant murderer? Really you wouldn't want to open your kitchen table to either. Beavah- I think your post about freedom to choose was very apt. Sorry if you (and others) don't get the "sin by degree", I didn't quite know how better to describe some people's perception that stealing a penny is less a sin than stealing a dollar, etc.
BD- That's an awesome idea and living on the coast we have a lot of sand and saw dust to make bags with. Yeah, I don't care about the trophy. One of my sons likes success to be instant. Mainly working with him on that. BB shooting is just a vehicle for that.
So it is for your amusement. OK, then please explain what you mean by "sin by degree". It is a concept with which I am unfamiliar. >>>>>>> Sin by degree...the concept created by man that some sins are worse or better than others based on some perceived value. Such as it is less a sin (or not a sin) to put a criminal to death, yet it is a greater sin that an innocent person is put to death. SF - Acts 11:1-18? I've also often been perplexed by the sabbath on Saturday vs. Sunday which I can only attribute to the resurrection. As to the matter of crops I'd have to study up on that. But I generally would rely on Acts 10 and 11 on the matters of food.
Cool. I'll just confirm with the range personnel on the day they next go to shoot.
It's not rhetoric. It's a sin, listed in the bible and in the eyes of God there is no difference. In the eyes of men and hearts of men, apparently, there is some difference. Men like to pick and choose, and God does not. The problem as I see it that some people wish to favor the standard of man and others would favor the standard of God. Those that believe in the full word of God, would thus be unconvinced by the standards of man. Since in the long run, that is eternity, man is rather insignificant, and God is supreme, ignoring the word of God is done with a great deal of peril. Those that continue to follow the standard of man can come up with any number of exceptions that God is not obligated to consider in his judgement. If you would like to amuse me with some discussion of sin by degree I'm more than willing to read it.
It's the usual cub scout camp shooting, I guess. Our camps in the fall and spring award trophies by rank based on 10 shots. My son went to his first camp a few days ago and it was the first time he had touched a BB gun. So he had the safety briefing and a description of how to operate the gun and the sight picture he tried for. But with so many kids going through he really didn't get much out of it. We got a BB gun today to practice with today, Daisy Buck 105, and I tried to work with him. Finally after watching him struggle to support the gun I got him a pillow to do a prone support. He was able to get shots on targets with the support, with some good groups but he still has some trouble with pulling his shots. At camp he didn't make one hit in 20 shots, so he was pretty happy today.
At most ranges is a cub scout, without any physical problems, allowed to use a sand bag or prop to assume a prone supported position to shoot a BB gun? I ask because my son is having difficulty reaching the forestock to properly support the gun. I'm hoping that with continued feeding he will grow out of this problem
Homosexuality is not equivalent to slavery. The acceptance of homosexuals into leadership positions amongst certain Christian religion can not be done with the backing of scripture. Scripture such as Matthew 22:36-40 is often sighted by liberal congregations. But what these congregations ignore is how and to what limit this is achieved by Christ. They sight some of Paul's letters, then ignore others. If anything the congregations that have adapted portions of the bible to re-enforce their social argument for the acceptance of homosexuality are more akin to pro-slavery writers. Christ confirms that all people are important and were created by God. But at the same time he said over and over that he would rejoice for the recovery of the lost sheep. The key word was that they are lost. Yes, Christ won the battle over death and sin, and yes Christ is the only way. However Christ also did not live in sin, he was innocent under the law and the epicenter of the new covenant. So a homosexual and everyone else should be in church, should receive respect and love and support in putting their sins behind them. They should not be treated in a derogatory manner. Thus referring to any person in a negative derogatory manner by either side of the argument to me is wrong. Even if the use of the derogatory term is used by the opposition, referencing homosexuals, in order to elicit an emotional response.
Starting backpacking in a troop of young scouts
DLChris71 replied to kahits's topic in Open Discussion - Program
Backpacking can be done with lighter and economical equipment. The recent Scouting magazine article "Hike Like Me" in the March/April issue might give you some inspiration. I plan on getting his book, "The Ultimate Hiker's Gear Guide". He talks about ultra light and inexpensive equipment options. If you didn't get that issue it's available at http://digital.scouting.org/scoutingmagazine/marapr2012/resources/index.htm -
Because a person that repents and makes things right...ie...I lied, I'm sorry I lied, I ask you and God for forgiveness, how can I make things right... Forgiveness is not a difficult thing. We are to love our neighbor and be willing to forgive. What is difficult is for someone who has sinned to admit guilt. So no, it's not impossible to have leaders, but yes leaders will fail. It can also be hard to forgive, but it is just as much a commandment to forgive, and a sin to hold a grudge. And thus my religion does not rank sins. (This message has been edited by dlchris71)
shortridge- Why is my principle of non discrimination less important than your principle of gay people are yucky? >>>>>>> I never said gay people are yucky. In my denomination, yes, homosexuality, that is the actual act of homosexuality, is a sin. We certainly accept homosexuals into the congregation, but as long as they are unrepentant they can't take on a leadership position. The same as with any other person that sins. If a person sins they should repent of that sin. Now here's the thing, like I said before one sin is as bad as another. A lie is as bad as the act of murder or homosexuality. All are sinners and have fallen short. Yes, I acknowledge that some people say that the love of Christ trumps all sin, and yes it does. And it was Christ that said let he who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. But then he also to the adulteress that he saved to go and sin no more. Certain Christian denominations would prefer to simply gloss over sin. Not just homosexuality. Some denominations claim other stuff too. Now you want to repeat over and over the mantra that I'm wrong, that the BSA is wrong, and certain posters want to throw out words like prejudice and bigot. Well you know what. I can throw that out too. That traditional Christian people are constantly under an assault of bigotry and prejudice. In certain parts of the world Christians are beheaded and hacked to death. That it is nothing for popular culture to make snide remarks, to accuse of hypocrisy, to point out individual failings and apply it to the whole body. To bombard our children with objectional content and materials. To attempt to indoctrinate us in to a liberal sensibility.