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  1. We are planning on traveling from Colorado springs to philmont on the 24th of june and return on the 7th of july. I can charter a bus for $1600 on those dates. Around $70 per with the 23 individuals we have going. If i could find other troops going down we have room for another 24 individuals. Is ther any way to find out who else is going? The $1600 is a flat rate so that would greatly diminish everyones cost. Train runs from $60 for adult (16 and over) to $30 for 15 and under. I was concerned about transportation between locations in col springs and potential delays as well. First choice would be charter. Thx for the help.
  2. We are looking for economical ways to get 22-24 scouts from Colorado Springs to The Philmont Scout ranch. Does anyone have an estimate on bus fares or train fares? Reccomendation for/against? We are trying to lower our package price of a chartered bus of $100 per scout. Any other possible ideas?
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