Who we are: My husband has led a den of 5 boys since tigers. They are 4th grade Webelos now. The den is successful (productive and fun) and all 5 boys will have AOL sometime this spring. I am leading a wolf den of 8 which is also successful. We have had a lot of fun, boys are growing and most are earning their achievements. Overall we have parents who will help out if asked directly and will work with their boys at home. Our pack is young, leadership is learning and developing.
The challenge: Suddenly the Bear leader between us resigned and her son pulled out, leaving 3 boys. That den's program was not as active and they had accomplished little as a den in the last year. My husband offered to absorb the 3 remaining boys, keep them in scouting, and provide a better experience. The idea is that the 3 boys would stay with his den till the original 5 boys bridge to BS. Then the 3 would join the younger den as the younger den was becoming webelos.
Here is the resouce we need: I noticed that many of the electives in the bear book could tie into the activity badges of webelos. Has anyone matched up the two programs and created a document on how they mesh?
Thanks much in advance.