Howdy! I found this forum recently and figured this would be a good a place as any to toss in my two pence.
I wore my patrol emblem during Wood Badge training (Britton's Beavers, SR839), but took it off when I attended my troop meetings between the Wood Badge sessions. Our leaders at Wood Badge reminded us of the uniform policies regarding adults wearing patrol emblems, no matter if they were Wood Badge specific or the youth ones corresponding to the Wood Badge animals. I still have my Beaver Patrol badge, but it is stored away with all my other memorabilia from the training. It'll probably go on a patch blanket or a rucksack with the rest of my collection.
In our little troop, the adults decided for a bit of fun to wear a patrol emblem that best represented us on the right shirt pocket, as that spot on the uniform is essentially for patches that don't belong elsewhere. Don't know if we're following the letter of the regs moreso than the spirit, but we are trying to stick by the regs, rules, guidelines, etc. as much as possible.