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Everything posted by dibbus1987

  1. Actually, the Webelos Activity Badges DO go on the advancement reports. This may be something new, but we had to go back and put them in for the older boys who earned them before the pack began keeping good records in Packmaster, and submit the report to council.
  2. And, yes, the family IS asking for the younger son to be awarded AOL early!
  3. I just don't think it's fair to ask the older boy to give up Boy Scout camp, or boy scout activities over the summer while the rest of his den moves on to the troop (in April), just to wait for his brother. I feel that it would be discouraging for him to do nothing for 3-4 months over the summer. Sure, our pack has activities, but we have actual awards earning and den meetings in the summer, which he would be ineligible for. His younger brother could attend day and resident camp also. I am not even sure we could award AOL to someone who is over 11-1/2? And isn't it REQUIRED of us to award boys at the NEXT pack meeting, not make them wait? To clarify, the parents are asking not only that the boys crossover to boy scouts together, but be awarded their AOL at the same time.
  4. The older boy will be 11-1/2 in June, the younger one won't be 10-1/2 until August. That's the problem.
  5. Motivation to move them up together? It's likely convenient for the parents to be able to take them to the same place at the same time. The younger son was in my den and they decided to move him to his brother's den so they wouldn't have to attend 2 meetings.
  6. I have 2 boys in my pack, brothers, that joined this year as Webelos. One is in 5th grade and one is in 4th grade. The fifth grader has already turned 11, the fourth grader turned 10 in February. Here's the problem. They both have been working hard together and have just about finished the requirements for Arrow of Light. That is, of course, except for the age requirement on the younger brother "be an active member of your den for 6 months since completing 4th grade or 6 months after your 10th birthday". The parents are insistent that they both graduate to Boy Scouts together, and I can't see any way for this to be possible. We are having our AOL ceremony in April. Correct me if I am wrong, but the older brother cannot "hang around" after he finishes fifth grade waiting for his brother to turn 10-1/2 in August, nor can his younger brother waive the age requirement and cross over with his brother in April. They want them to get their AOL together. I don't know what to tell them. I said I'd check with our council, but I doubt they would waive a requirement for the sake of convenience.
  7. I would wash the zipped off pant legs along with the shorts every time to keep them the same color. As a mom who's laundered a lot of things, you always wash a set together, even if it's not dirty!
  8. Personally, I think we need redesigned pants for boys and adults for field use, made from a fabric that will wick and insulate, plus with zip off legs. As a female Cub Scout leader who wears the yellow/blue combo, I have been searching in earnest for a navy pair of pants that meet these qualifications with no luck at all. Oh, and another suggestion: update your women's sizing! While men can easily go by waist size, women must try to figure out what size to get: as an example, I usually wear a size 6, but for some reason I need a size 14 in BSA clothing! Get a clue, women don't like to wear a size that is 5 sizes bigger than normal, even if it's only a number!!
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