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    Findlay, OH

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  1. Here it is in a nutshell folks. The uniform is to build character. It is to be worn in it's entirety per BSA rules. Are we teaching our Scouts that they don't have to obey the rules just because they are low on money? Or should we be teaching the Scouts that they can earn the money to get their uniforms? I don't know too neighbors, friends or family that would refuse letting a Scout rake leaves, take out garbage, etc. to earn money for a uniform. Ever hear of a paper route? You can also have family members that can buy bits and pieces of the uniform for birthdays, Christmas or any other gift giving holiday. If we make excuses as adults, are we teaching our kids to make excuses too? My experience in Law Enforcement has shown me that even the poorest people have video games, tv's, CD players, computers to post discussions on the internet and other non-essentials. If you are not living in a third world country, you should be able to find some means to get your Scout or Scouts in full uniform. Finding ways to purchase something as meaningful as the BSA uniform would also teach your Scout(s) the value of money and what they need to do to earn it. Let's not start watering down and changing the rules. The rules are there for a purpose and we should all follow them.
  2. _____This is my second year as a Den Leader for Cub Scouts. I am very discouraged with our Pack as they require the Scouts to earn rank by the Blue & Gold Ceremony. I am no genious by far, but I can read. I have read the Cub Scout Leader Book & Cub Handbooks. Nowhere did I find that the rank had to be earned by Feb. As a matter of fact all of he Scout handbooks stated that rank sould be earned at the Scout's own pace with encouragement to keep the on track. ______Don't let the Blue & Gold give you an excuse not to interact with the Scouts and parents. If you see a Scout that is well behind the others, pull the parents and Scouts aside and give them help to catch up. It's that simple. If you can't communicate with the parents and Scout, you should think about handing your leadership to someone who can. ______Do we really want to put our Scouts in a position that may cause them to shortcut the Achievements or not even do them just to earn a patch? I am teaching my Scouts to be honest and have integrity. I don't feel this approach to Scouting is going to help me instill these values. ______I do agree with the author of the discussion in which he stated that he starts working on the rank advanements in August. This would work for us too, but we do not have a Summer long program as dictated by Scout policy. The Cub Scout Leader Handbook states that dues are paid for a full year and the Scouts ar ENTITLED to a full year program. I did not read the words, may or if we feel like it. _______We must remeber that Scouting is a program for kids, not adults. The kids are in their early stages of development and each one progresses at a digfferent rate. I for one don't want to put the pressure on a kid just to get meet a deadline set for the convenience of the adult leaders and parents. _______Let's get back to the Scouting that has been outlined in all of the manuals. This is too great of a program to do half hearted. Thanks for any comments or suggestions you have, Dan Harmon Pack 334 Wolf Den Leader
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