Our Troop charges $300 per year plus typically $30 per campout to cover food and other expenses. Trained adults are not charged to attend campouts. Drivers are reimbursed at the current IRS business rate. The driver who pulls the trailer is reimbursed at 1.5 x the current IRS business rate. Campout expenses in excess of the funds charged are drawn from the Troop account. Since the same small group of adults generally drives it is fair that the non-participating parents pay for their boys to be transported. Thus, the dues are largely prepayment of driving expenses and so spread the burden around to the entire troop instead of making the active adults who drive bear the burden themselves. The Troop is small and so the costs per Scout are high. When the Troop grows, the cost per Scout should fall and the dues should be lowered accordingly. This scheme incentivises camping participation since the dues pay mostly for camping. The greater the participation rate, the lower the draw on the Troop account. At the end of the year we will review the Troop finances and set the dues for the new year based on the number of Scouts we will have in the new year, as well as the carry over from the ending year. All fundraising goes into the individual Scout Bucks account. Scout Bucks can be used for camping charges, Troop dues, Eagle Project expenses, donated to the Troop, or cashed out when a Scout leaves the Troop.