Oak Tree, very good comments. I am not trying to be a stick in the mud, and.....
I am also very conscious of the court system. If in your aquarium situation one of the mothers on the trip inadvertenly sees a clothing malfunction, and it goes to court, the first question asked will be if the troop/pack followed prescribed rules and guidelines. That would be, in everything I have read so far, at a minimum of hanging a blanket or sheet. So the judge would ask, "Did you do that." With the answering being no, and with the simplicity of doing such a thing in most cases (i.e., hanging a rope and draping a sheet), I gotta believe you lose that lawsuit. And who is going to pay for that???
Common sense can be thrown around all we want, but for those that want to use that, please critique the above scenario right to the point. Do you think it would play out as I prescribed IF it went to court. Yes or No.
It would be great if a lawyer in this forum would comment on this, one who deals with harrassment law.