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Everything posted by AJR2305GDC

  1. Thanks E92. I think I saw this one awhile back, but thought it was a lapel pin or something since the description is lacking.
  2. DeaconLance, Which edition of the Insignia guide is your reference from? The one on National's website, http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Media/InsigniaGuide/06E.aspx there is no option for a metal pin; however, I do believe that is the 07-08 IG; I'm not sure what the 09-10 (or later) IGs state.
  3. "My boy was turned off by (a) lack of uniforms and (b) girl in the ad." - Tampa Turtle The girl in the ad is most likely representative of the fact that this is the first Jambo open to Venturers (co-ed). I agree though, the lack of uniforms is also displeasing.
  4. This post got me thinking... What do the troops who still use the rank pins do for Eagle Scouts that earn Eagle at, say, 15 or 16 and will be in the troop for a few years yet? I don't believe there is an eagle rank pin available from national right now, as there are for all other ranks; one wouldn't presumably wear the medal in this case since the medal is only for formal occasions.
  5. Are patrol campouts/hikes still authorized by BSA and G2SS? EDIT: If so, do any of your patrols do this?(This message has been edited by AJR2305GDC)
  6. According to the 2008 printing of the Boy Scout/Varsity Scout uniform inspection sheet (#34283), there are patch placements for both the ODL and CU. If there is a pocket on the sleeve, the trained patch goes on the flap of the pocket; if there is no pocket, the trained patch goes below the POR.
  7. To All: Thanks for the replies. You have all been a great help. By the way, I meant tenderfoot; somehow I got it mixed up with FC - don't know how that happened.
  8. Can the old explorer garrison caps be worn with the venturing uniform? Also, is there a garrison cap (to anyone's knowledge) with the first class emblem bordered in brown on a forest cap with brown piping?
  9. My recommendation is Gardner Dam Camp in northern Wisconsin. Although it appears you are from SR, there have been troops from your region before. Mornings involve merit badges in 3 periods: 9-10, 10-11, and 11-12, with a few MBs (climbing, lifesaving, canoeing) taking 9-10:30 and 11-12:30. Also, there is a rare whitewater MB program that runs from 9-12:30 or 2-5. Afternoons are devoted to fun, except for a few merit badge offerings (WW, art ind. study, bird study ind. study, backpacking ind. study, hiking ind. study). There is a very efficiently-run Eagle Challenge (T-2-1) program in Outdoor Skills from 2-5 every day with a block schedule allowing Scouts to show up for the requirements they need. Aquatic offerings include Swimming MB, swimming instruction, Lifesaving MB, Canoeing MB, Rowing MB, Whitewater MB, BSA Snorkeling, Mile Swim, open swims and boating 2-5 daily and 7-8:30 on selected days. Also, Swimming & Water Rescue and Paddle Craft Safety are offered during the week for adult leaders. Safe Swim Defense and Safety Afloat training are offered on Sunday evening for the SM and SPL during their orientation. It is rumored that Geocaching MB may be offered next year. After lunch, aquatics, climbing, mountain biking, COPE, shooting sports (rifle, shotgun, archery) are all open. Thursday nights offer Leave No Trace training, black powder muzzleloading, tomahawk throwing, and a trip for climbing MB scouts to a neighboring camp to climb on a natural rock face (Gardner Dam has a 40-ft climbing tower). All but two meals are cooked in the unit sites using the PATROL METHOD. The commissary has excellent and very knowledgeable staff, and the food is of good quality. The menu program is variable - there are 3 options for each meal, so if the troop does not like the standard food option for, say, Thursday's dinner, they could instead choose steak as one of the options. Order of the Arrow callout ceremony is good, as are the Ordeal and Brotherhood ceremonies. If you are from an out of council (Bay-Lakes Council) unit, your youth cannot do their ordeal or brotherhood at camp, but those who are OA members can attend ceremonies and the Thursday night cracker barrel. There is a Tuesday afternoon youth iron chef competition, and one for the adults on Thursday. The staff is very energetic, helpful, and knowledgeable. They are always willing to help. For the most one-on-one staff-to-scout work, it is best to come on the 4th of July week, as there are typically only a handful of units in camp. Visit www.gardnerdam.org for more information. ADDITION: I forgot about HA. The Bay-Lakes Council offers a high adventure program - Wolf River Adventures - which is run out of Gardner Dam. The advanced whitewater program stays in sites with the troops and goes out on local rivers each day for paddling. The Door County adventure goes to Door County (NE of Green Bay) to stay at a council outpost camp (Jax Camp), where many different activities occur, including sea kayaking on Lake Michigan. There are presently 12 campsites with latrines. No canvas tents are provided - units must bring their own, and bringing cooking gear is recommended, as quartermaster supplies are extremely limited as far as stoves are concerned, but dutch ovens are plentiful. There are two shower houses: 1. the Wolf shower house has 10 individual stalls with private changing and no scheduling. Also there are 2 flush toilets in the shower house, as well as a 4-sink washroom. 2. the North shower house is older and has private shower stalls with public changing, although there is room enough to change in one's shower stall if desired. There are 2 flush toilets for men and one for women. Separate sides for men and women with 4 showers on each side. Youth shower from 7a-10p, and adults from 10p-7a. Each campsite has running water, including a sink and bubbler (drinking fountain). The newer latrines (circa 2000 or later) have enclosed stalls for latrines (two (Kreif), four (Ambush), or seven (Howe) stalls, depending on the site), while the remaining 9 sites have older "open" latrines with two seats and a urinal - a rope with "occupied" sign is provided to indicate that the latrine is in use. The sites come equipped with between 2 and 6 white 10x20 ft white canopies with picnic tables and patrol boxes for eating and food storage respectively. Bulk propane can be requested prior to arrival. The unique commissioner system empowers the SPL to run his troop, with daily visits from Commissioners to inspect the site and help the SPL with any difficulties he is having.(This message has been edited by AJR2305GDC)
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/scout-leader-fatally-stabbed-ind-hiking-trip-071727953.html (I'm going to leave this duplicate thread open because it has the link to the above article. However, I encourage everyone to go to the first version of this thread in the Open Discussion Forum) (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  11. As far as rope goes, if you get manila, I recommend 1/4" or maybe 3/8" - should be strong enough unless you plan to build, say, a monkey bridge. Then I'd recommend quite a bit larger rope - I've used either 3/4" or 1" (I don't remember which). Probably best to buy a little more than a few hundred feet - spools are usually 1/4" x 1200' or 3/8" x 800' or 1/2" x 600' and could be cheaper than only a few hundred feet if you can find a supplier. Excess can be stored in a cool dry environment for next summer. Sisal rope is stronger for each diameter compared to manila, but MUCH more expensive. I would not recommend using synthetic rope for lashings, except nylon, which is expensive and only works best in certain situations. Sorry for so much information - worked in Outdoor Skills area at a summer camp for a few years. As far as rank advancement, you can get the vast majority of requirements done over five 3-hour afternoons (approx.- depends on sizes of groups - you could have some older scouts teach skills in a rotating pattern to each patrol) - T-4ABC,5,6,7,8,9,10A/B(one set of tests),11,12AB - S-1AB,2,3BCDEF,(5),6,7AC,9AB - F-1*,2,6,7A,8ABCD,9A,11 * Requires extra time - F-1 needs time at night for navigation () indicate a requirement that could be done with a different activity - e.g. the 1-hr. service project. Have Scouts bring a first aid kit for S-7B In addition, you can do T-1,2,3; S-4,(5), If you have a waterfront, you could do S-8BC and F-9BC F-4ABCDE can be done in conjunction with meal prep. F-7B can be used to make gadgets in your site (such as a flagpole for T-6 and S-4) see www.pitnet.net/halron/gdc/gridEC.pdf - shows an Eagle Challenge (T-S-F) program used at a local camp - you'd have to add a few things as everything I listed is not in the grid schedule (S-3BF,9AB and F-9A,11) - the 1 1/2 hr. on Friday that is not on the schedule is for the camp's water carnival - a spot where you could fit in the other requirements. Also, some requirements don't take the entire time listed, even for a large group (such as F-8D - 5 signs of a heart attack), while others (F-2 - 1-mi. compass course) could take more than an hour if scouts don't know basic compass skills (S-1a) beforehand. also see www.pitnet.net/halron/gdc/t21cl.pdf for a requirement listing with the 2010 requirements. NOTE that the requirements on the grid were slightly misprinted - this was noticed mid-way through summer 2011 and a new grid and requirement sheet were reprinted, but it does not appear that they were updated on the website. Firem'n Chit should be S-3D,E and Totin' Chip should be S-2,3C. Not sure if there are any other errors. Double-check any of my notes here if you are serious about using these, as I am currently half asleep. The requirement list is correct I know for sure, but any of my other notes further down may have inconsistencies.(This message has been edited by AJR2305GDC)
  12. To all: Thanks for your input. I think that the bugler POR is important, but even when working on camp staff for a few years I think I only heard one other bugle besides the camp bugle (at AM and PM flag, and playing taps at the closing campfire). Quite sad. My troop currently has a few band members, and I think a few may play trumpet/cornet - I should work on convincing them to bugle, at least for summer camp.
  13. Just want to see how popular buglers are these days ... Does your unit use a bugler? If so, how? What type of bugle do you use? My current troop does not use a bugler, though sometimes it would be nice to have one.
  14. eaglescout1996: When did you get your newer poly/wool? Just wondering if the features not listed on Supply's website could have changed, e.g. dry cleaning. AJR2305gdc
  15. emb, Don't forget that CoD (and therefore the flaps) are not part of an official BSA program - maybe they're trying to discourage involvement in the Corps of Discovery - Just my thought.
  16. A somewhat nicer pair of pants is the Canvas Convertible Pants ($34.99-$39.99). No elastic and, although seams may not hold up (personal experience), you can take them back to the Scout Shop and they'll replace them.
  17. UCEagle72 - Thanks for the speedy response! Hopefully this will be fixed soon ...
  18. Has anyone else had the problem of not being able to use the Training Validation applicaiton in MyScouting? Tried it in 2 different accounts in the past 2 days. Although there is a notice saying that the system will be down midnight to 8AM 3/26 and 3/27, this feature is still not working, and unless anyone knows how to print out a list of one's training certificaitons another way, I need this to work. Any suggestions?
  19. YES!!!! KNEE SOCKS ARE BACK!!!!!! (caps for extreme joy!) Also agree with ridding the program of the patch holders, and for keeping at least the same cap & necker slide, but I like the idea of the wolf and bear separate neckers
  20. - I second the polo activity shirts; - better binding on the BS Requirements books - like idea of paperwork, MB books, and other handbooks on CD/online - standard patrol flags - maybe more troops would use them (personal experience w/ troops not having/using patrol flags) - non-zipoff shorts and pants - as camp staff, only wear shorts in summer, but then can't use the "legs" of the pants since they are a very noticeable different color from the shorts due to fading - no pocket on left sleeve of CU - knee socks - uniform shirt (BS) w/ buttonhole on right pocket for patch button so patches don't fall off! There's more, but I can't think of it right now... EDITED: - order unit flags online(This message has been edited by ajr2305gdc)
  21. Eagle92, thanks for the clarifications - I'd seen the expedition hat mentioned before, but used the name I saw on scoutstuff. AJR2305GDC
  22. Eagle92: Yes, I meant the expedition hat - Supply calls it the brimmed hat (see link above) - makes no sense to me. I hope I am taking this the right way - you mean this hat can be worn with any hat, right? Thanks
  23. Can the BSA Brimmed Hat be worn with any uniform (i.e. - Venturing), or just the B.S. uniform? (http://www.scoutstuff.org/BSASupply/ItemDetail.aspx?cat=01RTL&ctgy=PRODUCTS&c2=UNIFORMS&C3=UHATS&C4=&LV=3&item=637&prodid=637^8^01RTL&) Also, does anyone know where I could find ODL-style knee socks? Thanks! AJR2305GDC
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