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Everything posted by AJR2305GDC

  1. Thanks for the replies. This is sad since it would be nice to have a "number" to identify the lodge and its activities, etc. Oh well, I guess we still have the old numbers.
  2. Our lodge is going through a merger now. I heard lodge numbers are not assigned anymore, so lodges could pick whatever number they wanted, presumably even a number used by another lodge (e.g. taking #1 even though Unami uses it). Is this true? WWW
  3. Neither do I. I just saw it and wondered what would happen if it was true. Obviously, either there is some corrupt practice in OCC or someone is lying because since I believe 1940 honorary memberships in the OA are forbidden. That really leads me to question the truthfulness of this. I do not intend to sign this petition, but thought it could be an interesting point to look at.
  4. NOTE: I am neither condoning nor condemning this, but came across it and wanted to see what others thought of the situation. I have NO connection to this at all. To me it appears that the Scout's application did not get filled out properly, as there was no mention of a statement being prepared or what was done which was of heroism. Also, a post here: http://www.facebook.com/oabsa by the propnent of the link below stated that "Turning down our son's election to the Order of the Arrow was the hardest decision we had to make....Arrow of Light son was honored with the invitation," a big red flag appeared for me, since no one, regardless of situation, can be elected to the OA if they have not achieved First Class rank. http://www.change.org/petitions/boy-scouts-of-america-award-my-son-the-national-medal-of-heroism-that-he-deserves
  5. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll look into a crew within the council.
  6. This was a situation - I wish it were a trivia question! I know a scout who is of age to be in Venturing and would like to work toward the Ranger award, however, there are no crews within a reasonable distance for him to participate fully in the program.
  7. Does a program similar to the Lone Scout program exist for Venturing?
  8. perhaps a LNT patch http://shop.lnt.org/shop/product/patch (master educator or trainer) could be worn on the right sleeve toward the bottom, similar to how the musician badge works, or as temp insignia. Otherwise, a lapel pin http://shop.lnt.org/shop/product/lapel-pins (for appropriate level) could be worn on the collar. Just suggestions as compromise so improper insignia isn't used by unauthorized individuals
  9. So from what I gather, a Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, or Venturing male under 18 who is working on BS advancement. Thanks!
  10. Can a Venturer wear the Leave No Trace trainer POR patch who's gone through the trainer course? An assistant Scoutmaster who has gone through the trainer course?
  11. Or at least to make it simpler, have council presidents or, even better, council commissioners vote to best serve the members in the selection.
  12. Bay Jammer has its 64th anniversary this summer www.bayjammer.htmlplanet.com/ Winter Amidships had its 38th this year http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=winter%20amidships%202012&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CCcQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.crventuring.org%2Fdocument.php%3FID%3D761%26NUM%3D1&ei=XWOPT42QJK-I6AGZlaGgBA&usg=AFQjCNFnQEgC3EV3NXO2umYSkx8oMj_Eyw&cad=rja
  13. I wear them in the order I put them on the shirt (usually). One shirt (just added rank knots) is: ___________________________________________ | EAGLE RANK |YTH RELIGIOUS| A.O.L. | ``````````````````````````````````````````` Another which I had eagle and AOL on first then added youth religious goes Religious---Eagle---AOL Don't have any training knots, etc. yet, but what I plan to do is first add the center knot, then add the knot toward the sleeve, and finish the row with the knot toward the shirt's center. That way you don't need to resew rows.
  14. Thanks Cito. Just called supply twice. Both reps said the same thing, it runs on white gas and kerosene. I've also checked MSR's website and the same options you mentioned were there also. Maybe this is an old model national stocked up on a long time ago, since it only has a four-digit item number (I'm not sure when the 5-digit ones started, but I think the 6-digits started in the last year or two). I might just go with it since it's cheaper than the basic whisperlite with the 25% off sale going through Thursday. (only $67)
  15. On the ScoutStuff website, it appears BSA sells an MSR whisperlite stove (#2324). Does anyone know if this is the standard whisperlite or the whisperlite internationale? Any help is appreciated.
  16. Thanks everyone for the great ideas. Some (like work with food payoff) probably won't happen since the CD has expressed interest in limiting us to one crackerbarrel per week (after Ordeal & Brotherhood ceremonies Thursday night). We also used to have one (with low attendance - maybe a correlation?) Monday nights for current members - discuss brotherhood, elangomat, etc. Oh how much I would love to have OA come in for a night to give the staff off for dinner, but we're a patrol cooking camp so it wouldn't be much of a difference for the scouts. We do brotherhood conversion and ceremony as well as callout. The ceremonialists come from staff - I'm in the middle of recruiting, not many volunteers. I'll have some "sales" to do at the staff meeting. I could check with the lodge about scheduling unit elections, though these usually run through the chapters, so I don't know how that would work out. Plus, it usually starts in December around here.
  17. I'm the OA Summer Chief at my camp, and am trying to think of ways for the OA to do more at camp. Just as a guide, I have to teach 2 MBs in the morning, but otherwise I just run the OA program and am trying to think of extra ideas. May not be able to implement them this summer, but am thinking ahead. Any suggestions?
  18. "Who has been a Camp Commissioner, and what kind of responsibilities did you have?" -- SeattlePioneer I haven't been a commissioner, but our camp runs the commissioner service a bit differently than it seems most camps do. The position is paid and the duties are as follows: "COMMISSIONER(S) (18+ & MIGHT BE IN CHARGE OF EITHER OUTDOOR SKILLS OR NATURE) Responsible to: Program Director Duties are as follows: (1) Required to have BSA National Camp School certification in Commissioner. (2) Will be directly responsible to the Program Director. (3) Responsible for camp health and safety. (4) Meet with all assigned units as they arrive in camp, make them feel welcome and aid them in check-in procedures. (5) Help to interpret the patrol method by assisting in the assignment of patrols, tent partners, and in any area of need. (5) Aid the unit in program planning by describing all of the feasible camp activities, and offering occasional recommendations. (6) Is an adult supervisor and is responsible for unit safety and activity during the 24 hour day. (7) Meet periodically during the day with the boy and adult troop leaders to see that the program is running smoothly. (8) Interpret the policies and regulations of the Bay-Lakes Council, Wisconsin Health Standards, and Camp policies where necessary. (9) An all-round "good guy" to the scouts and adults. He/she is a counselor and a teacher. Builds spirit, enthusiasm and good will into his/her troops. (10) Be available to the Scouts to help them in any way possible, but he/she must guard against taking over the unit program. He/she must lead and guides inter troop activities. (11) Ready to be a Program Commissioner over a Program Area. (12) Skilled in Tenderfoot through First Class requirements and outdoor merit badges, because he/she may be called upon to give assistance in these areas. (13) Holds certification in and/or equivalent Red Cross Standard First Aid and CPR (adult). (14) Other duties as assigned by the Program Director or Camp Director." We have one senior commissioner (only job is commissioner) and one or two others who have program department (Aquatics, Outdoor Skills, Climbing, etc.) teaching responsibilities.
  19. Thanks Hendrickms24 and E92 qwasze, national does have multiple flag patches for the uniform http://www.scoutstuff.org/u-s-flag-emblem.html http://www.scoutstuff.org/usa-flag-emblem.html No explanation why, but it's kinda strange...
  20. Eagle92, Although some of the info on the supply site seems to contradict itself, the "uniform essentials guide" for webelos on that site lists unit numbers as item nos. 10400-08, meaning the red/white numbers. I believe I just saw one image with a webelos scout wearing green/tan on supply's site, but I know they're infamous for messing these things up. The inspection sheet for webelos (No. 34760) gives no guidance. Also see online insignia guide http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Media/InsigniaGuide/05A.aspx, but past research showed me that this is the IG from about 2007, so I'm not sure if this still holds. On another related topic which I stumbled upon while trying to answer the question: 1. "Arrow of Light Award, cloth, blue on khaki, No. 00044, Webelos Scout, below left pocket. Arrow of Light Award miniature pin, No. 00115, civilian wear. Arrow of Light Award, metal pin, No. 00463, Webelos Scout, below left pocket. Arrow of Light metal miniature pin, No. 00115, parents, civilian wear." 2. "Note: Cub Scout advancement badges and emblems must be attached directly to the uniform." (1) Don't Cubs wear the AoL on the left pocket FLAP??? (2) I guess the last statement in the quote means supply shouldn't be selling that plastic diamond dangle patch holder thing that we all hate so much.
  21. http://tradingpost.oa-bsa.org/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=OA-FLAG OA Trading Post - costs $50.00
  22. We had a scout in the troop this year who was working toward a palm for eagle. He had the BOR, all blue cards turned in, etc. 2 weeks before 18th birthday. The CC (who handles advancement; small troop) has mysteriously vanished. Unfortunately, after I and he learned about the change in positions (new CC), the new CC hasn't been at troop meetings to get this all sorted out. SM and I both recall the BOR clearly and know paperwork is turned in. This scout is 18 now. Could the palm application still be sent in to council pre-dated to the BOR date? Thanks
  23. "I've also challenged Eagle scouts to go for the Hornaday award. No takers yet." I attempted to do the Hornaday badge, but due to lack of information out there, the council conservation committee rejected the project although I had plenty of MBs because it wasn't "in-depth enough" for the standards. How can one expect "standards" to be met when they are not readily available? I digress. I am an eagle, and definitely not offended. I don't know of any ships in my council, but I'd like to get working on Venturing advancement this summer; I miss the challenge advancement provided. I just may not have the time to do it though.
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