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Everything posted by desertrat77

  1. It's going to be interesting. It can be done; as @Jameson76 mentioned, councils will have to cut the BS to make it happen. To summarize thoughts that have been expressed by others here and in other threads: - Delete a bunch of non-outdoor MBs such as the Citizenship Trio, robotics, etc. Less staff needed, less time campers are sitting around other people. - Focus on traditional outdoor activities--boating, orienteering, hiking, shooting. More fresh air! Encourage patrol hikes to camp property that is never explored, or was abandoned years earlier. - Patrol style cooking in the campsite. Troops bring their own supplies or have food issued through a camp commissary for preparation in the campsite. Less public health risk than a centralized dining hall. (And in most cases, better quality meals. Camps have been trending to the "heat/serve" processed food/pre-school menus.) - Reduce camp fees to the lowest level possible. True, this will impact the council's bottom line (already in the red), but it will garner much goodwill and loyalty from families and units that are hurting financially. - Push back the boundaries of the campsites--more distance between patrols and tents. There will be issues to work through. Big gatherings like flag ceremonies and opening/closing campfires--might have to adjust these a bit. The silver lining: this may be the right time to bring back the more traditional elements of summer camp. And a more memorable camping experience for all.
  2. @Scouter470, welcome to scouter.com!
  3. @Cburkhardt, would Summit and Philmont also fall in this category?
  4. desertrat77


    @christinevfarrer, welcome to scouter.com!
  5. @Cburkhardt, very interesting insights, thank you. Much food for thought.
  6. My prediction: "doubtful." Especially DC. They should move the event to Philmont. Sleep in tents. Eat the same dining hall food served to trekkers. Spend one of those days in the back country, stacking logs and making slash piles.
  7. I'm relieved you mentioned that, because I chuckled as well!
  8. The 2020 Olympics have been postponed: https://www.cbssports.com/olympics/news/2020-tokyo-olympics-will-be-postponed-because-of-coronavirus-pandemic-ioc-member-says/
  9. Proof of the BSA's indifference to unit level scouting--the recharter process is Exhibit A.
  10. If treks are cancelled, it will be doubly sad for some Philmont crews. Many crews that couldn't go because of the Ute Park fire of 2018 opted for a 2020 trek. Then I recall what happened to my dad in the mid 1950s. Just as he was getting ready to board a bus in Iowa to go to Philmont, his scoutmaster received a telegram stating that Philmont was closed because of a disease (polio or measles, I can't recall). Life being what it is, he didn't get a second opportunity.
  11. I'd say both. National teed up this path of Eagle years ago. But the troop deserves the lion's share of the blame. If the troop culture is to just fill squares, the scouts will go along with the flow. Then the candidate is standing in front of the Eagle board of review...and hasn't fully experienced scouting at all.
  12. Also from https://www.philmontscoutranch.org/coronavirus/ Status of Upcoming Winter/Spring Programs The following Winter/Spring programs have been canceled at this time: March 20-22 – Cub Scout National Camp School March 21-28 – PhilBreak Session 4 March 30-April 4 – Resident National Camp School April 24-26 – NM Search and Rescue Council ESCAPE Conference We will continue to evaluate future programs/events and will communicate any changes if they arise. ...... Status of Summer Programs (Treks, Training Center, and Staff) No summer programs have been canceled or affected at this time. We will continue to monitor and consult with experts and provide updates as they become available. It is important to continue everyday prevention measures. As you prepare for your Philmont adventure, decisions about unit meetings and trek preparation activities should be made by unit leadership and chartering organizations based on the unit’s individual circumstances and current CDC and local health department guidelines.
  13. Cut/paste from https://www.philmontscoutranch.org/coronavirus/ Philmont Closed to the Public Until April 1st Update: 3/17/20 – 10:45 AM Following CDC guidelines and recommendations from the state of New Mexico, Philmont has made the decision to close to the public until April 1st. This decision affects the National Scouting Museum, Tooth of Time Traders (toothoftimetraders.com remains open), and all offices. Conferences and Winter Adventure activities of more than 10 have also been canceled. Staff will remain on-site and continue to work, with efforts to increase social distancing. If you need assistance please call us at 575-376-2281 and we will be happy to help. This decision does not affect summer programs. We are hopeful that the widespread social distancing and containment efforts will help stop the spread of this virus. We will continue to monitor developments regarding COVID-19 and provide updates as they are available. Additional updates and information will be shared on this page. PhilBreak Session 4 Cancelled Update: 3/17/20 – 9:30 AM Following CDC guidelines and New Mexico state recommendations, Philmont has made the decision to cancel PhilBreak Session 4. Depending on how you registered, you can expect to receive a refund in the next 7 to 21 days. As always, your safety and the safety of all our participants, guests, volunteers, and employees is our top priority. This decision does not affect summer treks. We are hopeful that the widespread social distancing and containment efforts will help stop the spread of this virus. We will continue to monitor developments regarding COVID-19 and provide updates as they are available.
  14. @CrazieGhostie, welcome to scouter.com!
  15. Now is the perfect time to knock out those Homework Merit Badges required for Eagle. Save summer camp for what it supposed to be: outdoor activity. I concur with @yknot It is also a great time to get outdoors and hike. After being cooped up inside for several days, the scouts will welcome the opportunity. Parents too!
  16. @kmcsenior, welcome to Scouter.com!
  17. When people like a uniform, they wear it willingly. Even cheerfully. Same goes for parts of the uniform.
  18. Sounds much like the districts I've been a part of in years past. My current district is rural. Some folks drive 30 - 60s minutes to get to the monthly district meeting. Several folks wear 2 hats, district and unit. So here's our MO: we have no round tables, no RT commissioner or staff. Everyone--district and unit level alike--gathers for one meeting a month and it's a hybrid RT/classic district meeting. One hour long. The socializing afterwards is just as valuable as the meeting itself. I realize this probably won't work for big districts, but it works for us.
  19. That is an excellent question, with ties to previous discussions about the future of councils (and National) as it relates to the BSA post-bankruptcy. Of the many solid opinions given, the one I most agree with is that councils/National will have to significantly scale back their operations and expenditures. Scouting will return to a more unit-focused organization.
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