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What if we just completely did away with uniforms?
desertrat77 replied to Eamonn's topic in Uniforms
I understand what it's like to wear a uniform when it's unpopular to be a scout, and at the same time, the uniform itself wasn't stylish. I'm speaking of the "new scouting" green shirt and pants that I wore from 74 - 81...as many will remember, several of those years it was very unpopular to wear a uniform of any kind, much less a scout uniform. That green uniform had all the charm and durability of pajamas after a few washings. Not worth much in the field. But I wore it by the book, with pride. Late seventies, I'm hired on summer camp staff. The staff shirt: from a huge stock in the council warehouse, the dark green Explorer shirt from the 1950s. I loved this shirt instantly. It was tough as iron, fit good, looked good. Wore that shirt (actually was issued two) doing everything: opening and close ceremonies, KP, teaching mb classes, hiking through brush, cleaning the latrines after the camp closed each week, rowing and canoeing. Also wore it into town. It was sharp and perfect for every situation a camp staffer could be in. It held up no matter how much it was abused. Some day, National will recreate that shirt, or it's natural successor...and much of this discussion about uniforming will be moot because the kids will want it because it's a great shirt. I don't buy into the theory that because scouting is considered geeky by some, we have to wear geeky uniforms. It's silly to ask a family to buy an expensive uniform that is only suitable for wearing indoors. Someone said it best earlier: parlor scouting.(This message has been edited by desertrat77) -
What if we just completely did away with uniforms?
desertrat77 replied to Eamonn's topic in Uniforms
...and I know of no law, creed, or rule that says if you stand for good character, you have to dress like a frump. -
What if we just completely did away with uniforms?
desertrat77 replied to Eamonn's topic in Uniforms
We are all salesmen/women for the BSA movement. Scouts and scouters alike. What message does our uniform "sell?" -
What if we just completely did away with uniforms?
desertrat77 replied to Eamonn's topic in Uniforms
Beavah, Good thoughts...I'd also like to take another stab at the sports uniform theory. The football uniform identifies the kid as someone who has taken on an athletic challenge and that he's a competitor. Now back to the scout uniform. What does it say to the non-scout? It sure doesn't say that the wearer has taken on a challenge, like football. Irony in that it's the challenging outdoor activities that draw most scouts. Frankly, our uniform hasn't communicated "outdoors" since the early seventies. So non-scouts draw their own conclusions. If we wore uniforms that were no-kidding outdoor clothing, suitable for rock climbing, hiking thru brambles and the like, our uniform woes would be over. Our scouts are proud of their outdoor adventures. They want uniforms that tell the world that story. I get the feeling National tried to do that with the new uniform. Beavah, I concur with the overweight bespangled adult observation. -
What if we just completely did away with uniforms?
desertrat77 replied to Eamonn's topic in Uniforms
The scouts will wear a uniform they are proud of. Most kids have no problem wearing a football uniform and the like. They'll wear it to get a hamburger after the game. Not ashamed in the least. The problem would be solved if National fielded a uniform that actually looked good. And was functional in the field. Sorry, this new uniform looks dumpy. Silk screen flag? Doesn't Old Glory deserve better? Bellows pockets on the shirt? Are you kidding? Can't speak to functionality, haven't bought one. The ODL uniform isn't much better. It's perfectly designed for sitting in the camp mess hall watching power point briefings. Or conducting a candle light ceremony at the court of honor. Little else. There are off the rack shirt and pants--designed for the outdoors, and stylish--that scouts could sew some badges on, and would be worn with pride. Any time a uniform is designed by committee, you get something that ain't quite right. (I'm in the Air Force, and if there are any fellow Airmen out there, you are well aware of same problems with our PT gear!) I'm all for full uniforming. But if it's tacky, flimsy and expensive, you'll get plenty of push back. In the military, folks have to wear the uniforms mandated...it's the law. Scouts? They can vote with their feet. If scouts wore, say, Columbia shirt and pants, do you think we'd have the pushback we've got now? -
I recommend helping the scout earn Eagle. True, he may not have been to all the meetings and such. But he's got work ethic and scout spirit, two important qualities.
I support full uniforms. But I do not support the BSA uniform police. The BSA uniform is a vital part of the scouting program. But it is a means to the end, not the end. BadenP's example of the young man with the old shirt and campaign hat is superb. Simply put, the scout did his best...isn't that what we are trying to teach? Camping, rocking climbing, uniforms, Eagle Scout attainment, etc., are not the prime objectives of the scouting movement. Is the scout doing his best? If so, let's move on. If not, mentorship and setting the example will be more than enough to get the majority of scouts (and adults) going in the right direction. The scouts who are able but unwilling to conform will take the appropriate mark down on their scout spirit. What do you want the scouts to remember about their SM 20 years from now? Encouraged high uniform standards and set the example him/herself? Or that he/she endlessly nit picked uniforms?
Kudu, well said and I cheerfully concede that you were the only one to post "hikeing chants." I've still got a few old scout songs tailored for hiking in my brain, but we only used them back in the day if we were bored silly and needed to knock out some dreary miles. Philmont is many things, but boring was not one of them! Like your idea about all future notes posted in "chant" format! There is much value in the old methods of scouting, that is certainly true.
Asichacker, Welcome to the forum! Interesting you got the impression that step parents aren't welcome...that's a shame because if there is a scouter sending that vibe to you, it's wrong. Kids are raised by aunts, grandparents, you name it, I think the key is the adult leadership appreciating that fact. The uniform: your points are well taken. But the uniform is a vital part of scouting. No coach would let the players wear what they want on the field...it's part of being a team member. Expense: yes, if you buy it all from the local scout shop or on line, it's pricey. But check the thrift stores, ebay, etc...you can scoop up some bargains. No need to buy it all at once...a little at a time. Best tip I could pass along is have two scout shirts: a nice one for meetings and ceremonies, and one you picked up at a yard sale that can be worn to camp and such. As long are both "clean, dry and serviceable" the two shirt theory has saved me money over the years. Just last night I went to my pack's court of honor. It was outdoors, and I helped chop wood for the closing campfire. I was in full uniform but I was wearing my older outdoor shirt...my nice one is hanging up at home. Best wishes to you and your son.
Hiking chants/jodies for Philmont? No thanks! At work, when I'm running in formation with the same folks, over the same roads, at the same pace, jodies break up the tedium. They have their place. But I can't imagine calling jodies at Philmont. First, it would disrupt the primary reason for going to Philmont: unspoiled wilderness and wild life. Tranquility. It would also disrupt other crews' once-in-a-lifetime experience. Second, Philmont is physically tough. Even at 14 yrs of age those trails tested me. Spent stretches just trying to process oxygen and put one foot in front other. Chanting would have wasted valuable energy. The best morale builder? Be in shape, physically and mentally. Be comfortable with your own thoughts. Post script: And let us not forget our good friend Kudu! I've got to admit, he cracks me up even if I disagree with him on certain points. He poked me in the eye a couple weeks ago over a minor point...but I had to chuckle at his eccentric performance. Kudu: I understand your frustration about Woodbadge moving from outdoors to indoors. I feel the same way. But the other scouters have a point about posting comments in the proper category. Yes, all the topics are related to one degree or another to the patrol method, but protocol is important.
What is / is not tolerable behavoir in a leader ?
desertrat77 replied to DeanRx's topic in Working with Kids
I too enjoyed Mr. Codger's story. I didn't see anything in his tale that suggested that bringing beer on a campout should serve as a standard for others to follow (Kant's Categorical Imperative is rumbling about somewhere). Rather, it's a great story of SM resourcefulness in defusing a very dangerous situation...well done Mr. SM, where ever you are! Plus, Codger brought some much needed humor to the proceedings. Thunderfox, I agree that more booze never helps. But I respectfully submit there are certain phrases in life that punch thru emotional turmoil: "Would you like a warm blanket?" or "Would you like a beer?" The SM clearly knew the score...the distraught stranger needed what went along with the beer: companionship. Someone to hear him out. And treat him like a regular human being. Thanks again Mr. Codger. -
Is Wood Badge just about "the beads"?
desertrat77 replied to John-in-KC's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
MRCTroop340, Some of us learned "Confidence, Leadership skill, communication skills" outside of WB. It is possible, you know. Desertrat77 -
I think Beavah summed it up well. Given the lengths that the troop and district have gone to nonconcur, I've got to echo a common theme: it has me wondering what the rest of the story is. I've been in some pretty messed up troops over the years. But thinking back to the most ham fisted, arbitrary, stubborn, my-way-or-the-highway SM I had as a youth, he never did anything to stop the progress of a good scout. One scout, a friend of mine, never got along with the SM. Both scout and SM made no bones about it: they could not tolerate each other. But there was no denying my friend was a good leader. And come time for Eagle, this same SM helped the scout thru the process, and he was awarded Eagle with no problems at all. The SM had no choice but to do the right thing. In the case at hand, something happened...probably some long term ill will. I truly hope the scout gets his Eagle. But given the facts.... To borrow a phrase, if you and your boss/SM/parent have a difference of opinion, the authority figure has the opinion, and you have the difference. I know I'm stating the obvious, but to sum up, there is more to the Eagle rank that having the squares filled, or showing up to a certain percentage of meetings. Part of it learning to resolve conflict, and getting along with people, even if it galls you. If someone in authority is wrong, there are steps to address it. One that does not work so well is the long-running grudge match. Even if you are right, you often end up in the wrong....(This message has been edited by desertrat77)
As a UC in a council that does not have it's own camp, the troop I serve goes to a different camp each year. Lots to choose from in the local area. To summarize my past experiences in several different councils: if it at all possible, I'd recommend supporting your council's camp, as long as it is a good value and the staff does its dead-level best to provide a solid program. Benefits: Building tradition, shared memories, and keeping the camp alive. But, if the staff is indifferent, the program stale, or the council doesn't value your business (as in Horizon's case) I'd recommend looking elsewhere. Loyalty is a great concept, but the council has to meet you in the middle.
How about a demo and contest on how not to wear the uniform? Have a volunteer scout wear a uniform that has every mistake in the book...patches in the wrong place, etc. Several write ups, if you will. Then have the patrols compile a list of the errors they find. The patrol with the most findings wins. Afterwards, have the whole troops discuss the errors they found. The cool thing is you can incorporate some of the common errors you see each week into this little drill. The scouts will then make the association between the demo uniform errors and their own. This also works in a related manner with how not pack a pack...bring out a pack with a cast iron skillet swinging from a loop, pull out a glass jars, aerosol cans, heavy stuff at the bottom of the pack, etc. Climberslacker, best wishes...SPL is the toughest yet most rewarding scout leadership role.
Chopsticks are wonderful. Once I figured out how to use them! Finally got proficient went I was stationed in Korea. The secret: eat at places where no forks are available, the food is delicious, and arrive starving...amazing how quick I learned!
Scouts should also learn to live independent of technology, even for just a few days. It's vital they learn to live in the here and now, and to interact with the people they are standing near. They have the capability to do it. It's vital for the growth of mind and spirit to leave the electronics alone at times. At what point does a scout learn to enjoy his own thoughts, outside of the electronic realm? Appreciate the tranquility of the outdoors without endless beeping and other annoying artificial sounds? When does he realize that technology works for him, that he does not have to instinctively respond to each text msg, email or voice mail, at that precise moment, while missing what's going on in the real world around him? The technology is wonderful. But it should not replace human interaction, or peace of mind.
The OA is a great resource for outdoor training. It would help them fulfill the "service" ideal. True, there may be adult scouters who have an issue with being taught by youth. But if a few motivated scouts serve on the cadre, it would go a long way in showing new scouters the benefit of boy-led troops. Regarding the wish for scouting for adults: I hear you! This can be done, but more often than not, informally. Many moons ago, we ASMs would convene on our SM's property in the desert every now and again for a weekend off site. Not an official BSA event, no scouts. We'd cook feasts, hike, build pioneering contraptions, and start big bonfires and just sit around and shoot the breeze. It was like kind of like scouting for adults, except you could fill your canteen cup with whatever beverage you desired, and perhaps enjoy a cigar, if you were so inclined.
Great discussion...my apologies if someone already made this point but here it goes: How much effort is put forth these days--by volunteers and BSA--to establish new troops? New troops, with BSA tried and true methods, might be the best solution. As a scout, I read every old scouting book I could get ahold of. I recall literature for the old days that described how to start a troop from scratch. There are benefits in starting a new troop. Every scout is starting from square 1. So are the families. The scouts more than likely come from the same neighborhood, and the bonds they already share as neighbors, schoolmates, and team mates carry over into the new troop. Traditions begin from scratch and are probably more inclusive that the venerable old established troops. In a word, it's new but it's also familiar. Switching gears, what is the culture of the typical scout troop today? I'm generalizing, but I'll bet very few are truly neighborhood troops. Odds are the leaders and scouts travel from all over town and beyond for the purpose of scouting in that troop. So I think what holds our troops together today is tradition. Established tribes, if you will. Might be a tall order for a new scout to join a troop where he doesn't know the majority of scouts, or the tribal lore seems unwelcoming. Or odd. Or geeky. Well, took a long time to say it, but new troops might be the spark that BSA needs. Post script: one might ask, what about the old troops that we have trouble keeping active today? Why start new troops when we can't keep the old ones with full roster? This pains me, but I must say it: let the old ones fold, and start new troops from scratch, so the scouting spirit can begin anew. (This message has been edited by desertrat77)
The only thing I don't like about it is the character they chose as the aggressor in the scenario: "disgruntled Iraq war veteran." Appears the Border Patrol didn't want offend the real aggressors near our southern border...namely drug runners from various countries outside the US. Or the US citizens inside our border that facilitate the drug traffic. Either way, war veterans probably are the least likely folks to be a BP problem. At least one unit in AZ had the courage to not be PC when they picked their aggressor. The rest of the program, I say full steam ahead...the scouts are volunteers. Their parents approved their membership applications, right? They are not doing anything illicit, illegal, or immoral. This may also explain why JROTC units are thriving around the nation, causing great shock and concern amongst our more liberal citizens. The reason why young folks choose this type of program is simple: they are looking for a challenge. Given the chance, they are smarter, stronger and more capable than many of their parents, teachers and youth leaders give them credit for. This, I think, is the common thread between successful scout units, JROTC units, church youth programs, you name it. Not a watered down program...rather, one that makes the youth really stretch themselves. For the folks who are aghast at this program due to military or right wing implications: I respectfully submit these guys and gals are teengagers--almost adults. They want to be there. They are doing something that really satisfies them...and has career potential. And it isn't about right/left politics...these scenarios are exercised by uniformed folks every day, in the military and in law enforcement agencies. Despite popular opinion, uniformed services are not comprised of solely right wing folks...you will find folks representing the entire political spectrum who have choosen a career path of service to our nation. If we want to rid the BSA of militarism, let's focus on those riiiiiiidiculous epaulets.....
As an Eagle, I've never agreed with the all/nothing aspect of "once an Eagle...." The guys who stopped at Life or the other ranks are still brothers in Scouting. And had circumstances been a little different for them, many would have pressed on to Eagle. Many Scouters who didn't make Eagle are superb leaders, and are great citizens in their community...I have the utmost respect for them. In our quest to give status to Eagle, over the years I think that well-meaning folks have added extra touches to the Eagle rank, like the mantra in question, or the charge...where did that come from? Tradition, I think. Is there any official scout literature that speaks to what is done or said at an Eagle ceremony? I'll be willing to bet there is little, if any. Eagle is a fine accomplishment but like any laurel, it can't be rested upon. (This message has been edited by desertrat77)
Congratulations...ya'll were obviously running the program the right way! Plus, we can't overlook each scout's work...well done to all!
Woodbadge, big whup?
desertrat77 replied to PACK15NISSAN's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
Mr. John in KC, Sir, excellent question...let me start by amplifying my comment about the disparity of council effort that goes into WB v. basic training: Generally speaking, most basic scout leader training is an honest effort by the council...nuts and bolts, serves its intended purpose. Get your certificate and go home. Any camaraderie developed is usually based on the initiative of the attendees. Compare/contrast WB...first, there is a big council-level PR effort, and it goes from there, in style. The council and cadre do their absolute best to ensure the WB program is the special experience they advertise, and I'm sure they deliver every time. To me, it's the haves/have nots...a big gulf between the two trainings in terms of resources and effort. So I go thru basic leader training, go back to the unit and get to work. Then WB pops up. Do I want to attend? Depends. Am I intrigued? Do I want to be part of the WB community? Or have I seen something about WB that makes me say no thanks? Real or perceived, WB's image is polished or tarnished between basic leader training and when WB is offered. Here's my pitch. Instead of making the basic training a square filler, lend it some (just some) of WB's program ideas, scouting spirit, council push, resources, etc. No ticket or special badges, aside from the trained tab. Just make it clear to the new leaders they are attending something special...and if they enjoyed basic training, they'll love WB. It would be a perfect stepping stone to WB for many. Regarding my involvement in council training: Mr. KC, that's a good question. I haven't been involved to date, but your suggestion is a good one. I'll look into, because it's a role I think I'd like to serve in. As far as WB goes, I've looked at the outline and it's ground I've covered at work and in college. I'm not beyond learning, but don't have a desire to cover Leadership and Management 101 again. To a lesser degree, the clubiness does not appeal. I wish WB and WBers the best, but I think you can be a dedicated, educated scouter without going to WB. -
Woodbadge, big whup?
desertrat77 replied to PACK15NISSAN's topic in Wood Badge and adult leader training
I agree with HICO Eagle. And based on the discussion thus far, I stand by my original position: WB is a club. Good comes from WB, yes. But when club members declare superior dedication and wisdom, well..... Wondering aloud...if councils put a fraction of the effort into basic scout leader training that they put into WB, we'd really have something....(This message has been edited by desertrat77)