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  1. Our Troop from Colorado attended Medicine Mountain Scout Camp the week of June 19th. We had 20 scouts and 8 Leaders. We had attended this camp 4 years ago and we were very impressed with the camp. Of the 5 camps we have attended over the past 7 years in Colorado and Wyoming, this is still our favorite camp. We were very pleased with the camps program director. She has done a great job in restoring the great programs and activities which we understand were lacking the previous few years. The camp scout staff was also very helpful and personable. Our scouts all had a great time, despite three large thunderstorms and further rain during the week. The facilities are somewhat primative but that is what we really enjoyed about this camp. Finally someone is concentrating on program, not luxury!! Our scouts earned (and worked for these merit badges) over 60 merit badges. Also, our older scouts enjoyed COPE and caving. The camp Director has instituted a leader participation program which, for those of us who participated, assisted the camp staff in teaching merit badges. This allowed us to meet other scouts, leaders, and become more familer with our own scouts. We also know that the local district and camp are suffering from past over-expenditures. However, we took this as a challenge to use the scouting spirit to assist them however we could. I would encourage all scouts and scouters to support this camp by attending a summer camp session and providing chearful service. You will not be disappointed. If you are, please respond to this message and I will personally respond to your issues.
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