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  1. I've tried selling them with other organizations before and they are kind of a hard sell. We bought the minimum amount and ended up not being able to sell all of them. You definitely have to be pro-active about selling them and possibly make individuals responsible for a certain number of them.
  2. Hi afscout! I've always heard this in the past but never actually seen it enforced. I've always viewed it as you wear what you are able to. According to: http://www.mninter.net/~blkeagle/camo.htm it isn't allowed and there is a quote on the page from: http://www.scribd.com/doc/8919606/Rules-and-Regulations-of-the-Boy-Scouts-of-America that is listed that the wear of uniforms that "imitate" uniforms of military units is strictly prohibited. Like I said I've never actually seen this enforced or been encouraged to wear anything else while at camp outs. I guess it all comes down to a judgment call.
  3. Hi! Just thought I'd introduce myself. I've been actively involved in scouting over the last 20 years in 4 different councils. Did CS and BS as a youth and have since moved onto an adult position within a local SS Ship. Happy trails!
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