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Den 14 Dad

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Everything posted by Den 14 Dad

  1. Thanks Scout Mom. That is the answer and reference that I was looking for. I apreciate all of the replies. It is obvious that this will be a great resourse for me.
  2. No one is being punished. I am looking for clarification so that I will not be "an adult that doesn't know what I am doing". I don't know where that is coming from. My question is put well in another way by LongHaul "Is it in accordance with the advancement program for Cub Scouts for an elective to be done twice?" I have received conflicting information about this issue and was looking for clarification. I have received the following possible answers: Each elective may be done only once (source: somewhere online) Each elective may be done multiple times within reason (source: recent Wolf Leader Specific Training) Each elective may be done only once with the exception of 5g,h,i and 9b,c which may be done more than once (source: notes sheet of the wolf v2r14.xls spreadsheet) The book is not clear on this either way that I can see. My gut instinct is telling me to go with the info put out through my District, at the Leader Specific Training, but I would like to find some documentation on the subject. Partof the reasonI want the documentation and am not simply going with the info put out by my particular district is that I want to provide it tothe creator of the "wolfv2r14.xls" spreadsheet so that that wonderful thing can be updated to allow multiple entries in all of the elective fields and not just those listed. This spreadsheet is used by leaders all around the country so I want to provide her with documentation forScouting in general rather than a rule that may have just beenapplied by my particularDistrict. I hope this puts my issue in terms that are clearer. Thanks
  3. I have recieved conflicting information reference doing and getting credit for electives multiple times, and getting multiple credit at the WOLF level. As an example I will use ELECTIVE 9 "Let's Have A Party": If the Wolf Scout does 9a "Help with a home or den party" to help plan and execute his birthday party on one occasion and then helps plan and execute a Christmas Party on another occasion. Is the Wolf Scout elegible for credit for both or just one per customer? TIA for any guidance
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