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Dedicated Dad

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Everything posted by Dedicated Dad

  1. eiselyMany thanks for your return. I regret to say that I have encountered hostility towards women scouters on the part of some older males. None here, Im just trying to catch up. It is disingenuous to say that coed camping doesn't raise its own problems. I certainly can see how that would be in Explorers, and Im not sure how I feel about it at summer camp for the Boys. My sons first summer camp this year had a mother/leader camper, that has a downs son, and I didnt-wouldnt think twice about her presence on camp outs. I guess my concern is where, if anywhere, is there a line for female volunteers, is a 22 yld unattached/non-relation female cohesive on a camp out? In fact BSA has rules about this that you should know about. This being the reason I inquired, where, other than asking the SM do I independently find these rules/regs? Im concerned if I ask it might be seen as less than positive. Hope this helps. It has, thanks again.
  2. When I was a scout, in the early seventies, I dont recall women being directly involved with our troop. What is the current policy/history of this evolution, I couldnt find any info on scouting.org?
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