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Everything posted by airesearch

  1. For our Troop and Crew, we have basically two standards, namely one for tailgate camping and the other for backpacking. For the tailgate camping, we stick with troop or crew purchased Coleman 7x7 tents, so that we can maintain comonality at a reasonable price. I understand the zipper issue, because this is usually what fails first on these tents, although the poles come in a close second. However, since we have standardized, it has made the repair and maintainence rather easy. For backpacking, we ask that our scouts buy their own or rent to buy from our troop/crew inventory of tents which are usually purchased at REI used gear sales or the equivalent. However, in California we often get by with a simple tarp due to the mild weather.
  2. I too am concerned about the quality of the Ranger Handbook. To think that the same organization generated the BSA Handbook and the BSA Fieldbook. Which begs the question, why isn't there the equivilant of the BSA Fieldbook for the Venture program?
  3. I am an old time scouter, but rather new to venturing; and I am totally confused by what the crew review really is. Based on the book it appears that the president and the Advisor select a pannel to review the accomplishments of the candidate and that is it. However, my council seems to have different views and are not the same. Some say that only council representatives can sit on the review pannel, and yet others say that venturers can sit on it if they already have the award and are over 18. Everytime I ask my people at my council I seem to get a different answer. HElP.
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