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Everything posted by deanr

  1. # LOL OneHour # I wanted to try the script, but BSD (@HotWife) denied kernel access. I thought I was cool having an eTrex HC on my belt, until a scout came up and said it was too old school. His had a card slot for playing MP3's while he hiked.(This message has been edited by deanr)
  2. #!/bin/sh scutil --set LocalHostName BoyScout person=`person` if [ $person -eq "ScoutMaster" ]; then mv ScoutMaster /Camp/Leader Tents/300_ft_out elif [ $person -eq "hotgirl" ]; then echo wanna light a fire , $person? # use sudo before you touch hotgirl or you may get a permissions error! sudo touch hotgirl fi exit 0(This message has been edited by deanr)(This message has been edited by deanr)
  3. When I became a unit commissioner the pack that I'm assigned to had some leaders who asked "What's a unit commissioner?" I tried my best (pun intended) to make a positive impression on the pack. So far, I've been invited to every leader's meeting and pack meeting. I've even gone on hikes, helped with Pinewood Derby, attended Blue & Gold (even gave the opening benediction), and attended a bowling night. If I notice a problem, such as holding off on rank to wait for a major event, I'm not afraid to speak up. I don't attack the unit but I do offer a suggestion. I know of some people who wanted to help a unit but were treated as a cast-off or worse, before they even got to know the unit. No wonder some areas have a hard time recruiting. If you follow the national guideline to attend a unit meeting and leave after 15 minutes, what does that say about you? You are doing nothing more than taking mental notes and leaving when you've had your fill. I prefer the method recommended by a local district commissioner and stay for the whole meeting that you are invited to unless you are asked to leave so they may have a private conversation. Some people think that I do too much for the unit. I feel better about what I do when I am treated as a friend of the unit and not someone who only makes enough contact to make the district commissioner happy. I feel that the BSA is wrong about the 15-minute policy. One way to fix the problem... let the unit commissioner be a value-added component of the unit. Dean Roberts
  4. I am a former scout that "fumed out" in high school. Then I spent a few years in the USMC lugging a rifle and an occasional machine gun. Went to community college after the service and took 4 years to finish a 2 year degree. I followed that up with 2 more years of college for a B.S. in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration. As if all that schooling wasn't enough, I got my M.S. in Instructional Technology (1999) and a MBA in Information Management in 2006. I am presently an IT administrator for a major midwestern university where I have worked for 10 years. Unit Commissioner for a 77 boy pack and soon-to-be tiger den leader for the same pack when my son joins the pack in June. They'll have to get another commissioner. Commissioner meetings, roundtables, pack leader meetings and training add the other full-time hours.
  5. I am a former scout that "fumed out" in high school. Then I spent a few years in the USMC lugging a rifle and an occasional machine gun. Went to community college after the service and took 4 years to finish a 2 year degree. I followed that up with 2 more years of college for a B.S. in Law Enforcement and Justice Administration. As if all that schooling wasn't enough, I got my M.S. in Instructional Technology (1999) and a MBA in Information Management in 2006. I am presently an IT administrator for a major midwestern university where I have worked for 10 years. Unit Commissioner for a 77 boy pack and soon-to-be tiger den leader for the same pack when my son joins the pack in June. They'll have to get another commissioner. Commissioner meetings, roundtables, pack leader meetings and training add the other full-time hours.
  6. I removed the stitches that were holding the tag on the right side of the pant. The belt came off after the stitches were removed.
  7. Hi Scott, I have a 5 year old myself who is on his way to cub scouts this summer. I volunteered also - as a commissioner. I hope I can be my son's den leader and be a unit commissioner for a pack. Good luck! DeanR
  8. Hello, I'm a new member of the forum. I am a former Boy Scout who attained the rank of Second Class, and almost made First Class before I had to leave scouting for family reasons. I hope to be a scout leader in the future. I now have a son who is on his way to Cub Scouts next summer. I don't know who is more excited, my son William or myself! When the doctor told me it was a boy, I saw him in a scout uniform right away. I took him to visit a local den last weekend and he loved it. Poor guy hasn't graduated kindergarten yet. I hope to learn from this list. I called my district commissioner to volunteer with the local council and hope to help out with a den or troop and follow my son through his scouting years. Soon I'll be turning in an application for unit commissioner. Dean Roberts
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