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Everything posted by dctengdin

  1. Honestly, and on balance for myself, no. If you have never done this sort of teaching / leadership training before, and you are relatively early in your Scouting career, you will get something out of it. If you've already done a zillion of these sorts of things before, it's just another entry-level leadership course, which are quite widely available on the private market. Honestly, I was bored most of the time. What is ALWAYS useful, is a commonality of experience with other folks, and the friendships and acquainences you make along the way.
  2. I attended Wood Badge last year as a Sea Scouter. I wore the khacki uniform, but with boots rather than with dress shoes as is more normally proscribed with the uniform. It caused a small ruckus when I refused to wear the course neckerchief, but the staff got over it pretty quickly when I explained that neckerchiefs are definately not to be worn in Sea Scouting. Most had never seen a Sea Scouter before, so were at a loss on what to do. I met them in the middle on wearing the course t-shirt rather than the proscribed white one under the khackis. Sea Badge is a 3-day weekend conference. It's more about how to run a unit than Wood Badge, which is about personal development and leadership, though there is some overlap
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