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walk in the woods

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Everything posted by walk in the woods

  1. If they are being treated as two different troops, with separate leadership, then they can both have what they want. I think that's the point for those arguing they need to be separate.
  2. I despise meetings that have more than a few seconds dedicated to reports and status updates. Send those in 10 days in advance of the meeting and disseminate to the attendees a week in advance. At the meeting the chair asks "any questions or concerns on the reports? No? Next item." They rank right up with announcements as biggest time wasters. If I'm going to drive an hour to a meeting don't waste my time with something that can be handled in an email.
  3. I've argued before that Scouts BSA should be the Jr. High program focused exclusively on T21 skills. Move Star, Life Eagle into Venturing as the advancement/recognition track along with all merit badges. Make service to a troop as a TG or SPL part of advancement/recognition for the youth that care to pursue Eagle. Doing this would eliminate merit badge mill summer camps letting them focus on patrol method activities (e.g. patrols sign up for daily activities at camp and participate as patrols). It would also allow youth to master T21 skills.
  4. Nah. 18 year olds join the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force everyday. Lots of parents accept the risk of injury or death in exchange for "program." Courageous parents very well understand train them, trust them, let them lead. Adventurous young adults leave our programs because they are, and this is a word youth have used in my presence, lame.
  5. $25 site fee plus $2 a person per night for in council units.
  6. No the BSA is talking out of both sides of their mouth, to quote the FAQ referenced in the G2SS: You can't say in the first question that "volunteers must abide by the youth protection policies of the BSA even outside of Scouting activities" and then in the VERY NEXT QUESTION say "we strongly encourage all adults to use the Barriers to Abuse in and out of Scouting." Words have meaning. The BSA is playing both sides of the issue. Time for our "leadership" to pick a frickin position. Or at least hire a proofreader who understands the English language.
  7. It's season 4 of the reboot. In this version MacGyver is an OEF EOD tech vet.
  8. While I agree with the sentiment in your post @ParkMan, the progressive/post-modern movement doesn't. After Obergfell there was a concerted effort to find and make an example of conservative bakers, florists, and wedding facilities. Similarly progressive California attempted to compel pro-abortion speech on conservative Crisis Pregnancy Centers. The idea that a conservative pack will be allowed to exist as progressives take control of the BSA seems unrealistic. Even if the internal desire is local option peaceful coexistence, outside forces won't allow that to happen. FWIW, I'm a live and let live libertarian. The forces that previously controlled the BSA and those taking control now, have no desire for live and let live.
  9. This past week's MacGyver episode (2/28 air date) featured Cub Scouts in full uniform at a Nova Stem presentation being led by MacGyver in full BSA uniform with Scout Me In neckers tied in friendship knots.
  10. Why block it. Doesn't sound like a scout outing to me. Patrol Method works fine, just outside the auspices of the BSA.
  11. We could argue about how broad and meaningless the terms bullying and hazing have become but that's for another thread. My responses started to some hand-wringing about people involved in the chapter 11 process attempting to destroy the boy scouts, the impact that will have on current members of scouting, and how unfair it all seems. My point is simple. There are people outside of scouting, beyond the lawyers, who want to see scouting destroyed, for reasons other than money. It doesn't matter who we let into the movement or who is excluded or how much we change the program, the BSA will always be on the outside of the post-modernist construct of the good simply because we pre-date the philosophy. As such, we will always have enemies that seek our destruction in pursuit of their view of the greater good. If this hit doesn't kill us there is a long line of attacks coming.
  12. Yes, this is the gender studies textbook definition, but has little to do with how the true believers interpret toxic masculinity. You know those things are natural and so do I. That does change the belief system of the true believers arrayed against the BSA. A "natural tendency toward aggression" is exactly what the true believers think can be eliminated because it is a social construct not a natural truth. Remember for the post modernist there are no natural tendencies just social constructs. Because those tendencies are a social construct, in their world view those tendencies can be eliminated by eliminating groups like the BSA that acknowledge them.
  13. In fairness i suspect there were no activities happening in the camps that can't also be procurred from a commercial outfitter somewhere in the Shawnee or Ozarks. I suspect that's what the CEO was trying to get at. But that experience won't be as controlled as an owned camp.
  14. Interesting quote from the comments: "My kids are in the Girl Scouts specifically to camp, hike, canoe, do archery. We can get leadership experiences, girl-led activities, etc. in a dozen different places nowadays. Camping is something we only get from Girl Scouts. The opportunity to be in nature, to appreciate the world we live in, to gain the camping skills that make the kids feel self-sufficient--these are the things camp provides. If the Girl Scouts doesn't offer those things, why would we remain a part of this group? (Co-ed "Scouting" is starting to look more and more attractive.)"
  15. But the organization supposedly promotes self-reliance, personal responsibility, and leadership until recently in boys exclusively. Knives, fire building, shooting sports, skill mastery, all hallmarks of toxic masculinity.
  16. I think we can at some level. Society, post-modern society specifically, targets any values oriented institution because those institutions stand in stark relief to the no objective truth/reality/values philosophy. Many institutions have abandon their values to the mob but the mob always wants another pound of flesh. They won't be satisfied until all values oriented institutions are dead and buried.
  17. The post-modernists that run our Universities and public schools believe that any organization like the BSA is a remnant of the patriarchical hierarchy oppression machine. There is no good that can be done in service to the hierarchy and therefore the organization must be destroyed to free society. BSA is a paragon of toxic masculinity. Public schools, their extra curricular programs, and GSUSA get a pass because they are on the team. Nobody benefits except the people who believe everything is relative, there are no truths, and that any structure/hierarchy/value system is racist, sexist, or *-phobic.
  18. Others may have already posted this but it came across my news feed today. There's more than land at stake, https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2020/02/27/boy-scouts-chapter-11-bankruptcy-rockwell-paintings-sexual-abuse-victims/4820331002/.
  19. I'd take exception to your last sentence. The outlying districts in Rainbow and TFC have zero in common with PTAC. If this was to happen it would be more important than ever to give units the option to change councils.
  20. I've read there are nearly 30 councils in the Western Region with at least 35% LDS former membership. Start there. Transition-Report.pdf
  21. I and others on this board have pointed out many times that this is the goal of the forces arrayed against the BSA.
  22. Except money is fungible. Implement a program fee to replace FOS. This then allows money from other sources that might have been spent on program for councils to invest in the BSA's victims fund.
  23. We had Eagle scout and survivalist Creek Stewart for a bit. He used to mention his scouting background on his TV shows. I learned about him at the 2013 NSJ.
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