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walk in the woods

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Everything posted by walk in the woods

  1. Here are mine: Order of the Arrow was a big deal in my troop and at the summer camp we attended. Our lodge had a combination of OA and Mic-O-Say traditions so it was interesting to say the least. I spent two years on the Exec committee, driving all over the council to meetings, untold numbers of weekends at camp working, etc. Hard work, great friends and many memories. My Jambo story is from "More Rain" state park in Pennsylvania, 1977. Mud up to our ankles, what's better than that! For a simple farm boy from Illinois it couldn't be beat.
  2. @twocubdad. You should consider talking to the "his spot" boy's parents to see if there are any other autistic/asperger's tendencies or diagnosis. It's common with those tendencies/diagnosis to need that kind of structure and a fairly simple accomodation to make. Could be he's just a pain, could be he needs a little additional help.
  3. I use one of the phone services as well. One call for me results in everybody being notified. Yeah, it's a buck out of my pocket for each time I use it but worth it to me. We also use a web page with email notifications, etc. but it's not as effective as the phone blast.
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