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walk in the woods

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Everything posted by walk in the woods

  1. Question is, who is buying? Can surrounding ranches sell enough more cattle to finance the land acquisition? Or outfit enough more BWCAW crews to buy the extra bases? Sea Base is easier for me to see a purchaser. This will be a fire sale.
  2. He described the make up in the video. I heard gold tabs.
  3. That's the beauty of the Council Service Fee, they are selling it by eliminating the Family FOS campaign. Not FOS mind you, just the campaign. Oh, and the fees for tent camping at council property, which were double the local state parks.
  4. This will be hard to swallow with the $60 service fee my council has implemented. In two years the annual dues will have increased from $36 to $72 to $126?!?!?!
  5. Or, like my council, they'll implement the $60/youth member/year ($36/year for adults) service fee in an attempt to cover the losses.
  6. 66%? I suppose it's possible to believe 66% of the residents of NYC are liars is an explanation. Another is that the stay at home orders are a farce.
  7. https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/06/ny-gov-cuomo-says-its-shocking-most-new-coronavirus-hospitalizations-are-people-staying-home.html
  8. Looks like it has been cancelled. https://oa-bsa.org/article/noac-2020-update?fbclid=IwAR3Ne9oJ7-y-CAOIoGfkkzwJEFHDPJd1y5cuvubBcno-HquwEm7HDk4rBxg
  9. Apparently so, https://oa-bsa.org/coronavirus/temporary-camping-night-policy-due-covid-19
  10. Sorry, this image crossed my path today. Thought of this thread. Ok, not really sorry!🤣
  11. I suppose it depends. I took my son to a local limestone quarry that held regular fossils days with the help of some local geologists. Those were keepers because they were just going to get ground into gravel. There's some state land in NE Illinois that allows fossil hunting. If you're talking about private land I think it's up to the land owner to answer. My farming family had interesting arrowhead collections.
  12. Zoom uses data centers around the globe, just like Google, Apple, Amazon, etc. Regardless, they are addressing the concerns https://blog.zoom.us/wordpress/2020/04/13/coming-april-18-control-your-zoom-data-routing/.
  13. And in the Bay Area tentatively https://missionpeakscouts.com/possible-merge-of-sfbac-mdsc-alameda-council/
  14. Utah council mergers, not unexpected I suppose. https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/03/10/boy-scout-councils-utah/
  15. BWCAW closed until at least May. https://knsiradio.com/news/local-news/bwca-be-closed-visitors-until-early-may?sc_ref=facebook
  16. Yep. There's nothing so permanent as a temporary program.
  17. This begs the question by assuming there's a need for a national standard. The US and EU are roughly the same physical size, similar populations sizes, similar economic sizes. Do UK scouts coordinate their advancement program or their supply chain with German Scouts? Why does scouting in Alabama have to be the same as scouting in NYC or DC? If we're worried about consistency, have a Congress of US Scouting organizations once a year to recommend resolutions for the individual scouting organization to consider. End national, spin off the HA bases as independent businesses, give the super councils a 3 year charter for a geographic area and then let them compete for units. The BSA is a monopoly and demonstrates all the ills of being a monopoly. The solution is competition.
  18. Domains are cheap generally, and they assert some level of defense over a trademark. Maybe more importantly registration of a domain prevents someone else from registering it and doing something unscoutlike with it. Better to own the registration on scouting.xxx, .sex, .adult, and .porn than to leave it to chance. There were something like 600 TLDs the last I cared to look, so it takes a few registrations.
  19. Question is, why would we need National at all in this scenario? If we end up with 20 geographic territories with single councils, we'll be basically in the same situation as the EU with it's national border territories and scouting organizations. WOSM would need to lose it's nationalist bent for membership and adapt to the new US reality to accept the various council organizations, assuming the new US Scouting organizations even cared to be in WOSM. Ultimately, it might playout similarly to the break up of AT&T in the 80s. But in this case Units could choose their provider and be free to switch to the one who best meets their needs.
  20. Not sure the half salute as a greeting would be a great look for youth in brown shirts.
  21. The zoom blog linked above has the critical info I'd even be wary of settings up recurring meetings for the same reasons. You can also set up meetings so everybody comes in with video and sound off and can disallow join before host and/or require registration.
  22. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, I suspect the ads are user context specific. Mine are about data security and bulk used golf balls. Stuff I've searched on lately.
  23. If Broadway, MLB, NBA, PGA, LPGA, NCAA etc. all stay shutdown, and Universities and businesses are still working remote, BSA (and other youth serving programs) won't have a choice about closing summer camps and regional events. The political pressure will just be too great.
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