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walk in the woods

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Everything posted by walk in the woods

  1. 4. the US is in general a freer society, in the sense of negative freedoms, at least for now, therefore more people are likely to make bad choices 5. The US places, or at least used to place, a higher value on personal responsibility and accountability. 6. People in the US are more likely to flaunt government over-regulation of their personal life choices. Comparing the US to individual countries in the EU is an apples to oranges comparison even if using rates. It would be more appropriate to compare the US to the entire EU for a legitimate comparison just on a population and diversity basis.
  2. Get serious. Here's an interview with one of the founders of BLM. At the 6 minute mark she talks about being a "trained Marxist." The Postmodern progressive movement isn't interested in a diverse group of people singing scout vespers around the campfire.
  3. "This sure sounds like what a youth gets out of Scouts to me." It does, but it also sounds like 4-H, FFA, organized sports, Boys and Girls Club, Band, Drama Club, etc. I'd start by figuring out who you are competing against for these girls time, what differentiates you from the options available to them, then sell the differentiation. If you try to sell the stuff on your list you are no different than all the other options, at which point you have to compete on price and convenience. You'll lose that fight more than you win it.
  4. Don't know that I'm driving at anything. I'm just confused. In August of 2018 you wrote in your "OA Ordeal Question" thread: Then in September 2018 in your "Some people have some nerve thread: then in your July 2019 thread "Invisible Scouts" thread: It just seems like you've had an adversarial relationship with the troop/troops for a while.
  5. Well, you're complaining that members of his former units weren't supporting his project. Former being the operative word. Just because one party believes a break up is amicable doesn't imply both parties do. You didn't answer my question though about his shipmates. Did they show up to work?
  6. As defined by you I suppose. Did the troops think it was amicable? Beyond that, did his shipmates show up?
  7. @CynicalScouter where did you come across this letter? Are you involved with a Law Enforcement Post?
  8. It is inevitable. Been happening in tech for some years now. See https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/06/12/tech-industry-has-an-ugly-master-slave-problem/. You'll note in the article Yale stopped using the title master for the heads of their respective Colleges. The BSA has already signalled their virtue, they will have to submit to every demand moving forward.
  9. I saw that. Also statues of Washington and Grant. The mob won't be satisfied with anything less than the full destruction of all that has come before.
  10. Now that the BSA has fully prostrated itself before the postmodern mob, even 1 will be too many. I'm sure the guillotines are being sharpened as I type.
  11. The article has been updated since I posted this morning.
  12. Reuters reports the statue of B-P near Brownsea Island to be removed.
  13. Hmmm, I just saw this article from CNBC with new to me at least information and different from current conventional wisdom. Quoting:
  14. What I read was they were only providing the API deferring to the governments to develop their own tracking apps.
  15. You're not alone. I had to zoom my browser in to get it all in.
  16. My comparison point is 2013 so take that FWIW. These were the highlights to me: Base price $1175 for participants, $895for staff (reduced for half session) Troop size of 40 with up to 8 adults; can recruit individual patrols of 10, 2 adults 8 youth, for provisional troops. Council estimates of 20,000 attendees, initial payments for 12,000. Initial payments due by end of Sept. Day of service in local councils vice on site in WV
  17. Indeed. My council already announced $60. So for us a new scout in Sept is $22 prorated national, $25 new scout, and $20 council for $67at sign up then $126 in October/November for recharter. Almost $200 lift the first two months plus unis and stuff.
  18. So a new scout in Sept gets $22 prorated fee for the rest of the year and $25 new scout fee? Or does the $25 get them the remainder of the year?
  19. As I and others have stated multiple times, this is not now, nor has it ever been, about compensating victims. The BSA has been identified by the postmodern deconstructionist as a target to be destroyed due to perpetuating a male-dominated power structure. Once so identified, no amount of change will satisfy because historical grievances will always outweigh. The BSA also runs afoul of the postmodernist by using such outdated ideas as a Scout Law (Trustworthy and Loyal are just a social construct built by the powerful) and Scout Oath (Duty is only due to oneself). Other organizations get a pass because they adapted to the My Personal Truth narrative voluntarily at first pushback.
  20. @carebear3895 not to pry but can you share details? Did the retirement plan switch from defined benefit to define contribution? Reduced matching? Liquidating the pension fund?
  21. This is the new version of the ISP Urban Hike.
  22. I wonder if BSA gets to develop the campaign or if they just have to fund it without input
  23. That's true, to secure existing debt per https://www.sltrib.com/news/nation-world/2019/11/22/boy-scouts-mortgage-vast/. But here's the problem I see, I did a quick search, and it's only one data point, but here's a listing for a ranch near Cimarron, https://www.landwatch.com/Colfax-County-New-Mexico-Farms-and-Ranches-for-sale/pid/337607531. It has 50,658+/- acres, listed for $96M. Do the math and it's roughly $1900/acre. Assuming Philmont at 140,000 acres, with a $450M mortgage, it's valued at just over $3200/acre. That's a heck of a premium.
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