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Everything posted by dcaver

  1. I didn't get a specific error report but in the Confirmation file from Scoutnet I remember it had the scouts listed that had an error. I don't think it listed out exactly what the problem was though, just that it couldn't update the scouts record. I don't have that confirmation form to look at it. I think that was one I helped the Scoutmaster run and he kept it because he knew right away what the problems were.
  2. @5year When I've uploaded to Scoutnet for Boy Scouts and there is an issue I've seen the problem based on the Scoutnet confirmation report. There is basically a 3 step process when uploading. 1st is to get the CSV file uploaded, 2nd is the processing and then the confirmation from Scoutnet of what it's about to upload/apply with the ability to make changes before doing so, 3rd is a confrimation report from Scoutnet that you MUST print in order for the process to be complete. Also, based on what my Council's Advancement chairman told me is that Scoutnet matches up with First/Last Name and Date of Birth. He didn't mention Middle name but I'm sure that is probably true as well. Troopmaster/Scoutmaster is nice in the fact that it won't even let your run a Court Of Honor/Pack Award report if any of that information is missing. It also gives you a report of exactly what is missing so you can go get it corrected.
  3. I'll have to play around with Cubtrails a little more when I have time. I just converted over to Packmaster about 1 month ago and just finished importing all my data which took some time. This is one thing you'll probably want to have as well. A good way of importing in a CSV file. Packmaster has an attempt at it and they did a decent job but again not perfect. I still had to do stuff manually. I agree with your statement about their developers. Like I said, you can tell they are C++ developers trying to attempt a web application. If they were smart they would start from scratch with they web app and make it the focal point IMO. For Cub Scouts the BSA database is not as important other than the Arrow of Light date. However, for Boy Scouts that's a different story. Merit Badges and service hours for the Eagle rank recorded with BSA is a big deal. I know your software is geared at Cub Scouts but I'm also involved with a Boy Scout troop as well. They use Troopmaster which is why I started looking at Packmaster. I'm pretty busy at the moment with the conversion and training of our Den leaders and Parents over to Packmaster. In addition I just became Cubmaster and we have a whole new committee chair. I'm doing training for myself and others as well as trying to implement new stuff in the Pack. On top of that I've become the new IT person for a Boy Scout troop and I'm creating a new web site and implementing new policies/procedures with training as well as learning Troopmaster and training the Scoutmaster and Acheivement chair on how to use it effectively. All of this is in addition to my normal 9-5 job, honey-do's, and keeping up with 3 boys in sports/band/scouts. I'll do what I can for you.
  4. I've taken a basic look at cubtrails as well. I like the looks of it so far and it seems to be fairly easy to navigate once you get to know it. However, there is one thing that Packmaster has a grip on that is going to be hard for any BSA type software to overcome. Packmaster has the ability to export out a file that you can upload directly into the BSA database. Unfortunately, from my understanding, they have some deal with BSA were they are only one of two still remaining companies that BSA has given their format to. I talked with the guy from ScoutTracker (software we were using) and he said BSA won't release this info. If that is true then Packmaster basically holds a monopoly on that feature which is pretty huge IMO. Completely unfair if that is true. I will say that I've contacted my Council's achievement chairperson when I started looking for new software this year and he told me that Packmaster is the only BSA certified Cub Scout software (meaning the only one you can upload with). Another thing that Packmaster can do is allows you to download a local copy of the database. This allows me to enter in/update info when I don't have an internet connection. In our case we have our Pack meetings at the local school which does not have an open internet connection. Only school employees have access. So, having the ability to update things at a pack meeting without internet and then go back home to sync up everything is pretty significant to me as well. Packmaster is by no means a perfect piece of software. I've actually sent them several recommendations on improvement since I've started using it. Some of it is super basic and I'm actually surprised it's not already built into the web based piece of the software. I'm not sure how much they'll change though. Their response is always..."if we get enough requests we will look at the change". Thing is most users don't know to say something and/or don't see my recommendations in order to see if they agree or not. I can tell that Packmaster is initially designed as a standalone Windows application with the web function being added as an afterthought. It also seems that the programmers are C++ developers that have tried their hand at web development because they've had to. Still all in all I've found that Packmaster is the best option at this moment. For the Cubtrails developer....a suggestion would be to purchase a year of Packmaster with the web add on. Take a look around and view its strengths and weaknesses. Surely it will give you ideas on how you can make your product better. After all this is your competition. You should know what it does/doesn't do.
  5. Packmaster (www.troopmaster.com) is the only BSA approved Cub Scout advancement program. The software + the web add on is over double SoutTracker & ScoutManage but they have phone support with people that actually answer the phone. Many different reports and you can upload all of your advancements to BSA's Scoutnet site. No need to manually enter them in. You can also work offline and then sync up your database when you get a connection. This makes it perfect to input advancements when at Pack or Den meetings. My Pack has been on ScoutTracker for over 5 yrs but I'm working on moving us over to Packmaster. The biggest negative of Packmaster over ScoutTracker is that all the requirements for the Belt Loops, Pins, Achievements are presented to you in ScoutTracker. Makes it easy to know what to do. In Packmaster it assumes you already know the requirements and doesn't display them for you. We are going to get around this by having easy access to Scouting.org where it does list these out. Technically you are supposed to be using the Book to get your info....I get that, but still it would be nice to have it listed out on their site.
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