I'm having a problem with a number of posts here in particular those from Bob White, who in general appears reasonable and knowledgeable. First the issue of the Scoutmaster signing the Blue Card prior to starting a merit badge. You've seemed to ignore the possibility that a scout may be attending Camp as Provo. In this case the "Scoutmaster" can be the Provo Scoutmaster. This past summer the Provo scoutmaster not only signed a number of Blue Cards but also was the councilor for a slew of Merit Badges...not part of the Camp Program. Several Merit Badges such as Pets, Dog care, Cooking, White water just to mention a few were signed and were not completed. You have to complete a log for Pets and Dog care. You have to demonstrate techniques for White Water in "Running Water" not a bathtub/pond or lake. You can't earn Horsemanship with a carousel. This is fraud period. I have reported the incident to the council and they may act on it. But you say I must award these badges because the councilor has committed fraud
is ludicrous. It's the death of common sense ! I will not dishonor all those that have earned their badges and especially Eagle Scouts just to comply with a rule that was made by some committee with it's head in the clouds. The fact that the official rules doesn't take fraud into consideration seems to beg, no it pleads us to take the high ground here. What happened to "Trustworthy", what happened to "On My HONOR"...we're going to lay down our principles for some ill-conceived, poor thought rule. I'm sorry that is jail house lawyering. Wrong is wrong and will always be wrong not having specified in the rule doesn't make it right. I'm appalled at this whole discussion. I was reading these posts in order to work through this very issue and hoping that I could find some intelligent answers and suggestions to a heart wrenching dilemma. The person in question is wood badge trained, silver beaver recipient and the parent of an Eagle Scout yet she has given away Merit Badges like candy at halloween....this forum is sorely lacking the depth I was hoping to find