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    west point, virginia

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  1. Robert, I don't have any links for you, but I want you to know how much I support what you are doing. I too was deployed to Iraq. With the 229th MPco In abu gahraib for over a year. (no I wasn't part of the scandal). So I know basically what you are going through. So if you or your troops need anything contact me and I will try and help. Post when you can to let us all know how you are doing? You may email me at davyjonesmp36@yahoo.com if I can help. God Bless You and Keep You Safe.
  2. Hello Scouters, My name is David Jones and I am currently an assistant cubmaster in West Point Va. I've been invloved with the pack for a little over a year. I am a previous life scout and was an assistant scoutmaster for a few months. Always looking for new ideas to make our pack fun and exciting for the boys. As well as make the pack run smoothly. We have a good group of parents that will get involved if given direction. look forward to all the advice and ideas from the other Scouters here. As well as helping oput anyone I can.
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