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David CO

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Everything posted by David CO

  1. I don't think you are accurately describing moral injury. Moral injury is said to occur when someone is required to cede control to some other person who has the legitimate authority to make the decision. A better example of this would be if a scout is required to cede control of an accident scene to a paramedic or police officer. A key element of moral injury is that the other person actually has the legitimate authority to take charge. The term, moral injury, does not imply that a person should not give way to someone with legitimate authority. It simply describes the emotional reaction that can happen in such a situation, particularly if there is a negative outcome. In extreme cases, people might need psychological counseling for moral injury. It is wrong to equate moral injury with abuse. A person who suffers a moral injury has not been abused. Not all injuries are the result of abuse.
  2. If your kids will generally do as their told, I wouldn't mess with it. An occasional mishap is a small price to pay for having respectful and obedient children.
  3. I agree with your first comment. Scouting is not an infinite program. It ends at 18. I have to disagree with your other comment about scouts ranking out. There is no such thing as ranking out of scouting.
  4. I don't mind the discussion. It's the reality that is disheartening. I sometimes feel as if I am living out a dystopian novel.
  5. Looking down the road, I think it is almost inevitable that, sometime soon, merit badges will be entirely taught (not counseled) by council employees, in a classroom-like setting (just like school). Safe and efficient, standards-based, and totally boring.
  6. Yes. This is because Scouts BSA is now openly and actively working counter to the goals and mission of my religion. The message our scouts are receiving is very clearly articulated. There is no hidden agenda. Our boys should put their religion first.
  7. Really? I can think of several. A MBC might not agree with the decision to include girls in scouting. While he can't change the decision, he doesn't have to cooperate with it, and he doesn't have to donate his valuable time and skills to assist it. Passive resistance. YP protects the youth. It doesn't protect the MBC. The Chartered Organization might not want him to be working with girls.
  8. It was a question. That's why I used a question mark. I wanted to make sure I understood you correctly.
  9. So, you're saying that every scouter who chooses the troop-only option is a dirtbag?
  10. They also have the option to discontinue being MBCs. MBCs who choose the troop only option often do so because, though willing help out the scouts in their local unit, they have no desire to become unpaid employees of the council.
  11. My thoughts exactly. It sounds like "primitive camping" is out. Hand sanitizer is in. Welcome to modern scouting.
  12. Don't be ridiculous. A lot of people work very hard for a lot less money and no benefits. There are plenty of people who would see these jobs as a step up from what they currently have. At the very least, the work experience could be used as a stepping stone to get a better job.
  13. Yes, I can see how that could be easily abused by unethical executives (Is there any other kind?) who are trying to boost their numbers. There is good reason for the policy. When I started my in-school unit 40 years ago, we did that. We submitted a class roster and then started to recruit the kids. It made it much easier to get started. After a few years, we had a real roster with just the participating scouts. It is incredibly hard in an institution, like a school, to get seed funding for a unit unless you can guarantee a charter. We needed to charter first and recruit later. We couldn't have gotten the approval and funding without the charter. I agree that we probably shouldn't have been included in the stats until we got a real number, but the policy can be very helpful to a new in-school unit that needs a little time to organize itself. Isn't that what a council is supposed to do? Help the units?
  14. It is also a little bit more than the average salary of a Catholic school teacher ($38,460). If you calculate my hours, I make less than my state's minimum wage of $15 per hour. A lot of people make less. Anyone who has a steady job with benefits is lucky. If they also enjoy their work as much as I do, they are very lucky.
  15. I wouldn't mind it (the trolling) so much if the financial impact of the lawsuits fell on the wrongdoers. As it is, the burden of paying off the lawsuits is falling on the kids, through increased dues and fees, even though most of the kids in scouting had not even been born yet when these abuses occurred.
  16. Last month, a survey was published that indicated that only a third of Catholics believe in a key point of Catholic faith. Local surveys conducted at our parish/school have given a similar result. It appears to be true. Some institutions do not offer an opportunity for either schism or transition. Individuals may choose to stay or go. The institution doesn't need to change its beliefs to accommodate them.
  17. Yes. When dedicated scouters with decades of experience regularly roll their eyes at the communications coming out of national, how can we expect a jaded media and a cynical public to believe anything BSA says. BSA needs to start by winning over its own volunteers. If they can't do that, there isn't a chance of them winning over the public.
  18. Yes, we really don't know. Not knowing makes me ponder the question. Which result would be more damaging to scouting? Guilty or innocent? Actual abuse or false accusation? Makes ya think, doesn't it?
  19. David CO


    That's a recurring nightmare of mine. Moms with chainsaws.
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