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  • Occupation
    Retired Police
  • Interests
    Scuba, boating
  • Biography
    Currently a ADC, Great Eastern District, Spirit of Adventure Council

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  1. Duck Tape and Eagledad, thank you for this information. I'll let you know how this works out.
  2. Does anybody have any suggestions on starting a leadership course for SPL's, ASPL and PL's. I'm not talking about Brownsea or NYLT. My council has both of these fine courses;but, many troops do not take advantage of them. I would like to offer basic scout leadership training on a troop level, at the troops meeting location, etc. I would appreciate any information that is out there.
  3. When I was a Varsity Team Coach (remember those days?) all my team members got their Scuba Certification. We had great fund raisers and this allowed us to take diving trips to Grand Cayman; Cayman Brac;Cozumel and several trips to Bonaire. The Team members are now adults. Three of the Team are Scout Leaders in the local area. What is interesting, most of the Team members still dive and still talk about their "Scout trips". I am very glad this Scout Program worked for these young people. In my openion, it proves skills learned and developed with the BSA can be used in every day life. A Scout Salute to those leaders who keep the 'older scouts' active in the Venture and Sea Scout Programs. Keep up yhr great work!
  4. Maybe I'm old fashion;BUT, I'm kind of proud of my 50 year service star! I wear it with pride.
  5. TAHAWK,just curious, what was you WB number. I also completed mine in 1984. To my knowledge, I am the only one still in the Scouting Program. From reading this forum, I'm glad I did it then and not now. It was probably the best training I got as a Scouter.
  6. After joining and reading many responses on Scouter.com I am very thankful that I am in the District and Council that I am. It sounds like a lot of Districts and Concils are haveing some serious problems.To those Scouters that are sticking with the Scouting Program with thses burdens I salute you and really wish you well. You are the example why we are involved with the BSA. Good luck Scouters. As far as the problem at hand, I would have asked the DE for a meeting and try to solve the problem, as it stood, you had nothing to loose.
  7. I've always believed that what people think of me is none of my business. They only person I judge is the guy looking back at me in the mirror. I always tell my scouts,"Do the best you can with what you have, never give up and hope for the best". It has always worked for me. Yours in Scouting, Dave Metrano
  8. We, as adult Scouters at least in my District, try to set an example to our Scouts. That is why we wear our uniforms at our district roundtable meetings. We ask and require our scouts to proudly wear their uniforms at scout meetings and activities. Why shouldn't we? The wearing of the uniform by Scouters at these meetings is totally optional. Nobody is going to look down or criticise any member if they choose not to wear the uniform. Many times I've come to a meeting right from work in civies, the normal greeting is "Glad you could make it Dave." I think we might have the attitude 'why should we have the scouts do something we wouldn't'. If were wrong, so be it. I guess I go back to my military command training, as a platoon leader, I would never order a man to take point if I wouldn't do it.
  9. *I must belong to a weird group of Scouters in my District and Council. At the begining of each Scouting year each Scouter is asked if they are in favor of wearing the uniform at district roundtable meetings. It is totally optional. We normally have 60 to 75 Scouters at these rountables each month. Over whelmingly the Scouters vote to wear the uniform. The reason is very simple, if we expect the Scout to wear their uniform at a troop meeting or function why shouldn't the Scouter? Shout at me if I'm wrong;but, we at the Great Eastern District of the Yankee Clipper Council are proud to set the example for out Scouts. We never asked our Scouts to do anythjing we won't do.
  10. I am very thankful for the area I live in and the Scouters I deal with. I've been a Scouter for over 35 years and I can't recall ever being looked down on because I was not wearing any knots (or bling). Maybe the Scouters in this area are more concerned with running a great program for the youth we are charged with than the knots worn by others.
  11. What is the problem? Scouters wearing knots they earned or were awarded?
  12. I'll agree, Beavers are the first in everything. A Beaver from NE 125- 1984!
  13. I had the priviledge of meeting William "Green Bar Bill" Hillcourt at a training course for SPL's in 1961 at Camp Schiff Scout Reservation. He was just a great man. Still remember him as soft spoken and very gentle. Wish I still had my Camp Schiff Neckerchief that he signed!
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