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Junior Member

Junior Member (1/3)



  1. Try talking to your Troopmaster abut the problem, he may have some suggestions as he knows the boys you are working with. Take Junior Leaders Training it may give you some insights on how to motivate you patrol.
  2. Try talking to your Troopmaster abut the problem, he may have some suggestions as he knows the boys you are working with. Take Junior Leaders Training it may give you some insights on how to motivate you patrol.
  3. Joe: I agree with Jon, on making some inquiries to your committee members. I would also go to the unit commissioner and inquire about the set procedures for removing a scout and what infractions would be considered serious enough for removal. It does not seem possible that a scout would be asked to leave a troop without informing him and his parents of the offense. I think he also would have been given a time frame in which he could alter his offensive behaviour.
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