I have been reading these forums for quite some time, and this is the first time I felt compelled to sign up and respond.
If Ms. Stevens is truly sincere about her crusade, she is merely shooting herself in the foot by giving viewers so much information about the photographer, i.e., curiosity killed the cat. I went, I paid $2.95 for the trial version, I saw.
That being said, our world has been inundated with art forms that depict much more graphic detail and violence, than does Athen Grey's. I rather enjoyed his visual commentary on religion, and the church in general (e.g., the priest puppeteering a Christ figure, and Christ wearing a crown of Christmas tree lights. It's freedom of expression, and Athen has every right to pursue that, so long as he doesn't break the law. No laws have been broken. You also, Ms. Stevens, have the freedom of choice, which means you can choose never to look at Athen's photography again.
If this whole post this is a scam/spam, it's sheer genius, and it's been used hundreds of times before. There's nothing like stirring sales by creating a controversy, and what better way than a nice Christian woman wanting to boycott the evil photographer.
Ms. Stevens, if you ARE sincere, I would recommend quietly praying for Athen, with all your Christian soul, instead of driving us to the source of your dismay.(This message has been edited by danmorelock)