The problem I see with the supposed "war on Christmas" is that Christmas is not the only holiday celebrated in December.
In fact, this year, the first night of Hannukah falls on December 25th, as well. And there are various other non-Christians who celebrate December holidays such as Kwanza (sp?), Yule, and yes, even Saturnalia.
It seems that the Christians who want to make a big deal about someone saying "Happy Holidays" are asking, nay, DEMANDING, that others respect their holiday and their observance of their holiday without offering ANY respect for the observances of others in return.
For instance, Bill O'Reilly publically offering Jon Stewart a "Merry Christmas" when he KNOWS that Stewart is Jewish. And I won't even get into how using the greeting "Merry Christmas" like a blungeon is respectful to the spirit of Christmas (that would be, NOT).
Yes, the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas. So I guess it is ok to ignore the celebrations (and the rights) of the minority simply because they are in the minority.
Personally, I have no problem with Christmas. I celebrate it like I do any other day of recognition for the life of a great teacher and philosopher. It's right up there with MLK Jr. Day in my book, and President's Day. If there was a Gandhi Day, I'd celebrate that with enthusiasm, too.
But if you are going to put your nativity scene in my town square, then let the Jews put up a Menorah next to it, and let me put up my image of the Holly King on the other side. And anyone else who wants to put up a symbol of their December celebrations.
What it boils down to is, like in so many other things, if you want respect for your holiday, offer respect for the holidays of others in return.
And a blessed Yule to you all.