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Everything posted by DanB

  1. Does spending 5 nights aboard an 80 ft. sailboat count towards a scouts camping nights total? How about the 2 nights spent in the dorm at base?
  2. This is our first time on the Philmont waiting list. Not knowing how far down the list we are, what is a typical length of time one would usually wait before something becomes available? I would think that when deposits are due at the end of January, Philmont should know what is left and let those waitng know. I don't want to wait forever in order to make other plans.
  3. We had three people running eight phone lines, constantly redialing. It took an hour and a half to finally get through but we ended up on the waiting list. The last time we went, in 2000, it took two hours calling but we did get a reservation. Is it the luck of the draw or what?
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