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Everything posted by dan

  1. The majority of the troops around here do not wear the complete uniforms, which I do not understand. It seems any old pair of pants are acceptable, orange, camo, whatever, most troops looks bad. On the other hand while a Philmont last year a venture crew that was there was all dressed in black military looking uniforms, they marched wherever they went, they looked tacky, unscoutlike. Not sure if it will help or not I have been on NYLT staff for 5 years, one of the requirements is that all scouts will be in uniform. There is all which a few scouts without scout pants or shorts and socks. The only time that this is brought up is at uniform inspections every morning. the patrol does not pass inspection. That is the end of it no one on staff says anything else about it for the rest of the day. We do have a few extra uniforms, and on the third day if we have any that fit, we ask the scouts if they would like to use them. Sometimes the patrols will share extra uniform parts with each other, it is great to see them work together and come together as at team to work through the uniform inspection. But the entire staff in in uniform setting the example. Every scout that I have talked to said his scoutmaster said that it was okay not to wear the complete uniform. I feel sorry for the scouts they feel like they where setup for failure. Use the uniform inspection at every meeting, and use rewards, ribbons for patrol flags, a little candy, praise. I have told many scouts to either wear the uniform correctly or take it off, untucked unbuttoned. I just make sure that when it is time for closing, I am close enough to them to tell them that they cannot salute the flag because they are not wearing the uniform if there choice was to remove it.
  2. May 20 Court of Honor May 28 Memorial Day Parade June 17-23 NYLT June 24-30 Summer Camp July 8 Eagle COH July 13-21 Rocky Mt/Fly fishing High adventure Aug 3 -12 Buffalo River Arkansas Canoe High Adventure Aug 17-19 Canoeing Campout
  3. I used to be a Fox, and a Good Old Fox too, But now I've finished Foxing and I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble, and I can Fox no more! So I'm going to work my ticket if I can! Back to Gilwell, Happy Land, I'm going to work my ticket if I can!
  4. dan


    Many years ago when I was a den leader, we made many slides during den meetings. Walnut shells make great slides, split them half epoxy a piece of PCV or PVC in it, give it to the scouts and have them paint them, they make great turtles with pieces of butter tubs cut out for legs and heads! Cheap hot wheel cars glued to PCV is great for pinewood. I found a bunch of small frogs at a dollar store, expoyed them to PVC the scouts loved them. I know it does not help, but making slides is a great den activity. During a meeting we also made a slide holder, to hold all of the slides.
  5. Every flag ceremony I have ever read have said that the color guard, at least the ones carrying the flags do not say the pledge, they should stand at attention with both hands on the flag pole while the pledge is being said, after the pledge they should take one step back, salute the flag and walk away briskly after being dismissed. Have I been viewing military flag ceremonies that we should not be using in scouting? In my sons troop the flag is brought up through the ranks, scouts are lined up on both sides of the flag, as the flag passes we all turn to watch the flag, this does not feel comfortably to me, it feels awkward turning when the flag passes. It seems it would work better facing where the flag will be when it is posted.
  6. ASM915 Dining flies, chuck boxes, cooking equipment, rope, GPS, batteries, stoves, propane. Each patrols gets a dining fly and chuck box. All participants and staffers receive a NYLT shirt, tee shirt with the course info on it and a hat.
  7. scoutingagain Are you saying a SE will be/should be the only person who can change a rule? I think the scouts should be able to change the rules, after all it is a boy run. think J6 and J12
  8. I am going to be very blunt here. WHAT IN THE HELL IS THE SCOUTMASTER DOING, WHEN BETTY IS HIGH JACKING THE MEETINGS? Whew, done yelling. If the SM does not have the fortitude to nip this in the butt, you might as well give up and do what Bevah says, sit back and watch, you have no hope.
  9. While reading this I was thinking here is another scouter or scout (the young staffer) who was doing what he thought was correct. Because of myths. Myth one: You can misuse a cutting tool 4 times, before your rights to use them are taken away. Myth two: Only folding knives are allowed in scouting. I am sorry to say that I blame scouters for not checking out what the rules are before training the youth.
  10. Why did I say District? Sorry I meant to say it must be a Council tradition, just so there is no confusion on who is running the NYLT course. The Council I am in charges 200 dollars for the course, 220 if you pay after May 1st. The 200 dollars pays for more than food. There are a handouts and supplies provided for the participants and staff. There is also gear provided for the participants and staff that needs to be replaced sometimes. We have set the age requirement to 13 by Jan. 1st; boy did this cause quite of bit of discussion! We get quite an earful at the roundtables we present at. We do not allow any exceptions to the age requirements. I have found that most 16 to 17 year old scouts that come do not want to be at NYLT. But I have also seen some exceptions of 16 year old scouts that I am glad I got to know through NYLT. To those who think that sending a 12 year old to NYLT is a good idea, this is not summer camp. The scout will be put in a patrol with other scouts, which most likely he has never meet before, possibly he may not know anyone in the entire troop. This is very stressful for most scouts. It takes 2 to 3 days for the patrol to start working together as a team. Also they will spend a lot of time where they will not see an adult, they will be dealing almost directly with the youth staffers. This seems to take most of the participants by surprise. The only thing I would like to see changed in NYLT is to have a time set aside when the Scoutmasters would come out and meet with the scouts they sent to the course so the scouts could share their visions of their troop with their Scoutmasters. I do not think adding a ticket after the course would be a good idea. I do not see what purpose it would serve. At this time we have more of an issue getting staffers. We set a limit of number participants based on the number of staffers we have. We use to run 3 troops with 6 patrols with a 6 per patrol. The last 3 years we ran 2 troops with 6 patrols per troop. This year we will have 2 troops with 5 patrols each, we most likely will run 7 per patrol. The time commitment from a staffer is a huge issue.
  11. Between the changes from the JLTC and the NYLT, there are no longer any commitments that the attendees must complete to earn the NYLT compass patch. This most likely was a tradition started by that district. I have talked to other Districts and some still have the scouts complete tickets after the NYLT course, just like they did with JLTC. Dscouter15 Your course sounds exactly like the one I am involved in!
  12. A few years ago, another scouter (he is an wise old scouter, who is younger than I) and I where watching the first and second year scout struggle with cooking, not really struggling more like not being as efficient as they could have been. He asked me if I was frustrated watching how they where cooking, I said yes, he just smiled and said wait until these guys get into college or leave the nest they will be the ones that now how to cook and eat well, cheaply, not eating fast food every night. They may have a few not so good meals in the beginning, but in the long run, they will eat better.
  13. I would require CORS to attend training on what a CO is and what a COR does. I would require COR to attend all meetings and vote.
  14. What would you tell the professional scouter? I do not like the way the family is raising their child. He bribes him to go on campouts. As scouter we should not try to push our thoughts on what we think is the correct way to raise children to the scout parents.
  15. Bevah Do not lie and say that I asked for this discussion, and than say I do not need to participate when I call you on the half truths. Lets get cracking.
  16. Its Me You seem to be missing the point JEESH. I did not ask to discuss ADD nor ADHD.
  17. Grubmaster rotate per campout. One scout becomes the grubmaster for the campout. It is up to the patrol on who is going to be the grubmaster. The grub master collects the money (10 dollars)for the campout the week of the campout on Monday night at the troop meeting. The patrol prepares a menu the menu is approved by the Scoutmaster. Menu also has a list of ingredients needed for the menu.
  18. Beavah I did not ask to discuss ADD nor ADHD. We have had the discussion here before, do a search. You may learn something.
  19. Good News. I guess this means we can continue bashing the FCFY program and the leadership of the the troop. And we can disgust how bad those ADD scouts are.
  20. I went to Philmont with a scouter who was there in 1966 as a scout. Looking at the old pictures at Philmont. I said it looks like the base camp has been moved. He said you are right, when I was here last time the base camp was over there, closer to the tooth of time. I asked him if wall tents where used in 66 and he said he thought so. He has some great stories about his trip to Philmont in 66. How every one carried an axe on their belts, crushing soup cans and burying them. Carrying eggs all day for breakfast the next morning.
  21. You know, there are people out there who think Elvis is dead!
  22. Boy Scouts do not like to sing? I would say that Boy Scouts who have not been in a troop that sings does not know that most likely they would enjoy singing if they where taught how much fun it can be. Driving on a High Adventure trip I had 3 17 year old scouts and 3 14 year old scouts in my van. The 17 year olds sang for hours on the drive. After this trip some of the 14 year olds also started singing. The 17 year old taught the younger scouts some fun song and how to have fun with them. Its Me I hope you have some other troops to visit. Meetings do not have to be boring. I would join a troop where it seems the scouts where a little out of control than join a troop where it is a class room learning. I know of no boy scout learning that should not be hands on learning. No patrol flags, yells, sounds like the troop is using the troop method and not the patrol method. Good Luck. But remember there are no perfect troops out there, try to find ones that a least try to be a boy scout troop.
  23. 1. You will be receiving a lot of paperwork from Philmont. In it will have a complete guide to every trek and the programs for that trek. 2. NO, they are all great. 3. We where told that Miners Park is the best, but this was from the staff at Miners Park. 4. Big Difference, there are treks that allow you to do both. Baldy is a lot more challenging climb than Baldy but I think the views are better climbing the tooth and on top of the tooth. 5. In the packet you receive from Philmont they will have all options for transportation. We took the train philmont picked up us at the train station.
  24. So you are saying that the parents of the scouts that where in the vehicle could not sue the BSA only my insurance provider?
  25. Lets say a troop is going on a trip, it is snowing so we decide to caravan because we have not been to the area we are heading into, so no one gets lost, something bad happens on the way, lets say a few of the vehicles run into each other and scouts where hurt. Are you saying that the BSA lawyers are going to back me, even though the unit signed a permit that said they cannot caravan?
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