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Everything posted by dan

  1. dan

    Oh My

    WOW! The troop I am with, thinks that high adventures is the key in keeping the older youth engaged. The troop had been doing at least 2 high adventures for the last 5 years, before that it was usually one a year. This most likely was my last one, at 52 I think I maybe done hiking. Unless they need an adult for an easy trek at Philmont or Double H. BUT I do not agree with most of your other ideas in your post. I am not sure if scouting is shrinking or not, until they clean up all of the ghost units, I do not believe anyone will know the true answer to the that question, and it will take a few years after they get them all cleaned up before anyone will really know which way the numbers are going. I have been a SM for NYLT for 3 years, I do it because I believe in it along with Wood Badge. And I really think that Youth protection is good training that has done lots of good over the years, along with a time to tell, I know that is the old youth training, but I cannot remember what the new one is called. Not everyone knows about abuse and how to spot it, I learned from Youth protection as I am sure many others have.(This message has been edited by dan)
  2. I just got my scout handbook out and on page 58 its says Test your current level of fitness by doing as may push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups as you can. It says nothing about time it takes to do them. It only says how many. It also says to practice each of these exercises every day for a month. It also tell the reason a scout should do this, which is to prepare himself for the adventures of Scouting. With all of the studies about kids not getting enough exercise, why should we not hold them to doing it correctly?
  3. I am in a troop that allows that a 1/2 of a pullup in good enough. I really dislike it. What has your son done to improve, has he been working out, running, push ups, anything? He still cannot do a pull up after 3.5 years? A pull up is a pull up, a half of pull up is nothing. Is half of a 20 dollar bill worth 10 dollars?
  4. What reason did the SPL give for wanting to move the campout?
  5. John in KC When I was there 3 years ago, if someone youth or adult was taken off of the trail for a medical issue, (there where 2, that I was talking to when I was there, one wanted to go back the other did not) if they where released by the doctors or nurses at Philmont, they are joined back up with their crew. Usually the staff can get pretty close to many camps with a vehicle. (This message has been edited by dan)
  6. dan

    Oh My

    We climbed over Flat Top Mountain twice. We left on the North Inlet Trail Head and returned on the Green Mountain Trail Head. We hiked 48 miles in 5 days. Caught around 50 trout in the little time we had to fly fish. Not sure why this ended up on the High Adventure forum? But anyway, I will try to get some pics up of this trip.
  7. Returned from the Rocky Mountains National Park on Sunday. It was a really good High Adventure trip. I believe the scouts will remember this trip for a long time, as will I. It was much harder than the 50 miler through Double H and much harder than the 78 miles through Philmont. BUT my sons turned 18 on the trail last week! I no longer have a Boy in Scouting! Oh My, I feel ... I do not know how I feel! It has been a great 10 years in scouting with my son. My how he has grown! To use Barry's line I LOVE this scouting stuff!
  8. This is what keeps coming up on my pop up blocker. \http : //g.ignfile.cn/flash/imags.htm edit to not make it a link!(This message has been edited by dan)
  9. Not getting that, but last night it wanted to download chinese char., getting errors that the site wants to run active X.
  10. Where do you find this coffee? I have been to Europe 3 times, once to Finland and twice to the Netherlands, both time I could not believe how good the coffee was and how small the cups are!
  11. The numbers would be effected because number of units are tracked along with number of members. I know that they are not suppose to double count if a person is registered in more than one unit. I just do not think that Council/District/National has the ability or manpower to do this, to much paperwork to sort through to find this information. I do not see why they could not get all of the medical forms without filling out a application. My experience is not with camp but with NYLT. I am still looking for a good reason why this is a good idea. I wonder if the Philmont staff is a crew? I know that some staff there are not a member of a BSA unit. Am I making to much out of this? it seems dishonest to me.
  12. scoutldr said in another post that his council signs up camp staff as a Crew. I know that my council does this with a certain leadership training course. I really think this is not a honest thing to do. Every staffer is already either registered in a troop or crew. Am I wrong thinking that is just fun with numbers?
  13. I have been looking for the little packages of Gatorade. I found them on line at www.campmor.com for 99 cents per package. Today I found them at http://www.gatorade.com/ They are 24 packages for 16.99 dollars. On the bottom on the screen click on the Gatorade Sites to go to the store. I hope this helps someone going on any high adventure trips or if you have any better suppliers please share.
  14. No need to apologize, I was thinking that maybe you where in the Armed Forces or Coast Guard. It was so simply and I tried to make it more complex than it was.
  15. Before I can answer this I need to know What is WCFC? West Central Florida Coast? We Can make First Class?
  16. Beavah I would not say it is a great song or even a good song. But I guess we will also disagree on what she was saying when she typed, in short, that the troop will depart from the same place at the same time. But like I said we can discuss what is and what is not convoying like we have in the past. 10-4 good buddy. whats your 10-20 good buddy?
  17. BUT Beavah If we travel in a convoy, we would not have to have periodic checkpoint stops. OH I see what you are saying, if we did convoys, we could cut out some stops. Of course if a troop did not start and stop at the same points at roughly the same time it would proably make it a patrol outing or maybe a non troop event. I feel a song coming on! Cause we gotta little ol' convoy, rockin' through the night Yeah we gotta little ol' convoy, ain't she a beautiful sight? Come on an' join our convoy, ain't nothin' gonna git in our way We're gonna roll this truckin' convoy, cross the USA Convoy... Convoy...
  18. LauraMO You wrote. that the troop will depart from the same place at the same time. If you look at the GTSS is says Do not travel in convoy. You will find this under TRANSPORTATION in the GTSS. Now we can debate what travel in convoy means.
  19. From a presentation I have done and will do again in about a month. The mission of the Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law. Think of ethics as an understanding of what is right and wrong for an individual and for groups of people. Ethics are the standards by which we act, both when we are around others and when we are alone. In other words ethics is an understanding between right and wrong for a person of a group of people. Ethics are the standards of how we act both in a group and alone. Ethics come from values learned from family and society. Any attempt to make a good decision has to begin with getting the facts of the situation straight. In some cases that seem at first quite difficult, additional facts are enough to make the correct course of action apparent. My point to the above is that even though you believe the adult having a child out of wedlock is unmoral and unethical, which is fine. Other people believe that it is acceptable, which is also fine. We may not be able to change a person ethics/morals but we can discuss each others views and hopefully walk away with a better understanding of each other. EagleDad said early in this thread that morals come from religious teachings, which is true sometimes, not all scouters are religious, or are a different religion than I am, the BSA says that is ok, which we should agree with if we are scouters. For the adoption thing, there are 1000s of children out there living in foster care that cannot get adopted, they sometimes live in 2 to 3 foster homes per year. My neighbor works for Catholic Charities her job is to place kids in foster care, that will never be adopted, she has some real horror stories. A single parent would be better than that.
  20. GernBlansten I was amazed at the number of campfires I saw at Philmont. Many campsites have campfire rings, but we could not use them, because of the fire danger, the week before we where there fires where allowed. We will be hiking in your next of the woods this year, hiking out of Estes park, we already know that campfires are not allowed. The only High Adventure trip that I have been on that was complete LNT in my mind was Double H. I did not see one campfire or campfire scar or ring.
  21. I live in Illinois in kane county in the subdivions where the emerald ash borer was found, the state is planning on removing 1700 trees this year. What is funny, it that they are only going to remove the ones close the roads or easy to get at, where the trees are thickest they are not even going to try. We have not been able to take fire wood with us on campouts for 2 years. We have been using a lot charcol.
  22. SR540Beaver All of the examples except one that you posted are things that are illegal. Their is no law that I am aware of that a 22 year old women that decided to have a baby, I do not know if this was a planned pregnancy BUT it could have been, that it is illegal. Her morals may tell her that it an acceptable thing to do. Longhaul I know parents that allow thier less than 13 year old children to watch PG13 and R rated movies, that is there morals and or ethics. Nothing illegal about it. Just something I would not allow my children to do.
  23. It seems that many who have posted it this thread are trying to place their morals and ethics on other people. The only person that should be doing that is the CO.
  24. I am getting the dreaded HTTP 404 - File not found error, whenever I come to the forum and try to view a thread, even though I am logged in. I have to relogin to view any threads. I have tried to view the threads when I have been logged out, I still get the dreaded HTTP 404 - File not found. Is anyone else having these issues? Or is someone trying to lock me out of the forums? I did see some black helicopters watching me this morning.
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