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Everything posted by dan

  1. Mommascout What training did you hear about the patrol activities. I have been through Scoutmaster Fundalmentals, and I do not remember anything being said about it. Very litte was even said about the patrol method.
  2. I would have to ask why do you think it is okay to break a small rule? Is that like breaking a small law? Rules are made for reasons, and they are also made to be changed not broken. Now how would you explain to a scout that some rules are okay to be ignored? And not confuse him. Notice I said what they perceive as a small rule, what you may perceive as a small rule I may look as a huge rule. Which is why WE ALL are so vocal. Some more than others. YIS
  3. I was out of town for 2 days and WOW! I just read all 72 posts and only a few mentioned that this scout was appointed SPL! How does one become appointed SPL? He also mentioned that he asked the SM what he should do at a campout I believe and the SM said stay in my back pocket! There is some guidance for a Scout! These 2 comments SUGGEST to me that this SM is not following the program! He is not following the patrol method at all! Oh by the way I am going to put some troop rules in that one cannot have a crew cut! After all there are some really bad people out there with crew cuts! And crew cuts are ugly!
  4. its a little piece of metal or a little kool aid in the hair! This does not mean the scout is doing DRUGS or in a GANG, it means watch me a little closer! If a troop policy is no dyed hair, no earrings, and no tattos, how many GOOD leaders would they lose? Or would it be like a BSA policy, if it is keep hidden while doing BSA stuff its okay!
  5. Best answer or statment I have seen in a long while in the issue forum Bigbeard!
  6. moonstruck! Those are eggs in a hole, or Toads in the hole.
  7. What is denatured alcohol? Where do you purchase it? What type of containers does it come in?
  8. At your March campout, have the older scouts set up a axe yard and have the new scouts earn their Totin chip. Scouts and knives there is nothing better! And do not forget the fire chit, scouts and fire An orienting course has also been a hit with younger scouts.
  9. I have been following these threads in the Issue forum. There has been something bothering me about these and I could not figure it out until last night, it seems that some of the people I see debating only post in this forum. I never see them in any of the other forums on this board. It makes me wondering if they are really scouters! or just someone trying to stir things up. Also waiting to see the comeback for the dictonary!
  10. I would like to hear your thoughts on how long a Scoutmaster should be the Scoutmaster. Lets keep the simple and say that the Scoutmaster is doing a good job. Should the Scoutmaster stay on board until he say ENOUGH? Or should this term be limted to 2 years, 10 years?
  11. Of every thing that was said on this thread sctmoms worried me the most. BSA may change the policy if membership drops to much! I would stay. Could be intersting sharing a tent. :|
  12. I beleive that BSA policy says as long as the dues are paid, you are a active member. The only reason you could hold the scout back is if he not doing his job. sounds like he has already done the leadership roll.
  13. Mister White Are you a DE or something? You have provided me with more information to give to the Scoutmaster of the troop. Sounds like excellent ideas. But I will also agree with Ed some boys are not ready for 1st class after the 1st year, my son being one of them, but he loves scouting, he has only missed one campout last year and 1 meeting, he is coming up on his one year in scouting and just earned his tenderfoot, I could have pushed him to have more done, but I am trying to get him to take the responsiblity to start it himself and ask for help if needed. I beleive that if you have a fun and exciting program the ranks should not make that big of a difference. It is a fine line we walk between being a good program and a rank factory.
  14. I just wanted to say thank you for providing this site and the forums. And now a qestion, is the active user counter correct? Wow this site is a happening place, I have only seen it as low as 85 and as high 2000! you should give your self a pat on the back for having a site that receive that much traffic!
  15. I am coming up on one year as a ASM. Still trying to find my place. But, I have learned so much over these 11 months! Coming over from Cub Scouts as a Den Leader and Asst. CC to Boy Scouts was a real shock the 1st 3 months I thought this is out of control. But once I learned more about the patrol method, I understood why things are the way they are, the boys are learning as they go! We have a large troop 65 boys, and 18 active registered ASM plus 15 committee personnel, (heard a rumor we will be crossing over around 40 Weblos!). I had the luxury to learn from the older Scouts and the old, er I mean experienced leaders. What I have learned my number one responsibility is. Keep the scouts safe and on the right course, meaning watch from a distance and only step in if needed or asked. Boy was that hard for me to learn. Number 2: Do not be afraid to question the Scoutmaster, at least our Scoutmaster is opened to ideas and comments, and will explain why thing are done a certain way. Number 3: Jump in and assist whenever and whoever needs it. If you are a new leader, remember you are only there to steer when needed or asked and to make sure that the troop is following the patrol method. I went through the Scoutmaster Fundamentals training, what I learned from that is, it is hard to act as a patrol! Even with all of the teamwork session I had through work. I believe our Scouts will handle the patrol (teamwork when they start working) better than we did, because they have done it.
  16. Bob White So what you are saying is that the Scoutmaster Handbook is (gasp) incomplete. The Scoutmaster Handbook I have has a Revised 2000 date. And it states A boy is not required to have a uniform in order to be a Boy Scout. However, troop leaders should set a good example... But in a blue box it states that a neckerchief or hat is a troop option, which means to me that the other parts of the uniform are not optional. This is why there is (IMHO) so much confusion on what is policy and not. But thank you for trying to clarify this issue. I look forward to getting (trying) the Rules and Reg. Book YIS Dan
  17. Never discuss poltics or the bible with your friends, and they will stay your friends! Is that how that quote goes? Should we add Uniforms, Camo and BSA policy to that list.
  18. dan


    Sign in the Scout Shop I go to. Patches are not IRON ON. With a melted patch hanging under it! New patches this year? I use tacky glue to hold it in place and than a few stitches to really hold it.
  19. B. White You have mentioned many books, I have been using the Scoutmaster Handbook, for information. Is this book incorrect? Is the information different in this book than other BSA books? Yes, I will be picking up the rules and regulations book, to review. The Scoutmaster handbook I have states that a uniform is not required, so troops that require scouts to wear the uniform are not following BSA rules, right?
  20. Could not find LSMFT, but try this site out http://www.slangsite.com/
  21. No, stupid people as the same question over and over and over, but enough about work.
  22. Remember there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers. uhhh wait that not right is it? Now lets go out there and be safe with that HTML code!
  23. Eman I noticed in your post that you had more than one of those "gasp" Harley motorcycles. I just did not want to take anymore strikes away from you! You Harley ridding long haired, tattoed, pierced scouter! Few more months and we can be out ridding! Well at least in the midwest! Don
  24. Eman I hate to say it but I beleive you are 5 for 5. 1-tatoo, 2-earring, 3-long hair, 4-motorcycle, 5-its a harley! Now if you would have said its a Honda, we could have taken a couple strikes off.
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