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Everything posted by dan

  1. Bob Which ones in your above post are paid Scouters?
  2. OGE On Sunday we have a pre course meeting for 3 hours, does yours?
  3. Good catch CubsRgr8! Followup on this with your SM! I would not try to break up the 2 scouts, put them in the same patrol with other scouts, so they have to interact with others. The scout handbook says the patrol should pick there own members, leaders should not be trying to break up patrols. The SM or ASM needs to explain to the dad about boy lead, and what his role is. Which is if he is an ASM, sign off of requirments when the scout ask, help learn the requirments, and watch for any issues.
  4. No not nice. But I got my point across, which I do not believe you did competely in the 1st post. Obviously, you failed to explain it in enough detail. (did I just write that Rooster needs to have longer posts!? ) And we both agree about how one should approach someone with suggestions or ideas. But of course I take issue with the equal part. Is a scout equal with a Scoutmaster or ASM? Or is the scout above them? After all it is their program? I beleive that everyone should be treated with respect equal or not! As I believe you do to.
  5. The BSA policy for being active is: Pay the dues. Thats it. Read the Scoutmaster Handbook. Anything else you are adding to the BSA requirments. Boys have many other things going on, sports, band, homework. I miss more than 3 meetings a year because of the above and family. Your expections are to high.
  6. donn Who you be calling stupid! KISS - Keep is simple silly. OGE My training starts on Sunday after a weekend campout with the scouts, I should be good and rested! When does your training start?d
  7. Yaworski Has anyone every told you that you have a way with words?
  8. If I am doing something wrong and a scout comes up to me and tells me I am doing it incorrectly. I have no problem with this as long as he does it correctly. I have scouts do this to me constantly, I feel that this is a good thing. I am willing to learn from others even if they are younger than me! (unlike some here) But the scouts learn rather quickly if they are going to try and correct Mr. Smith on an error, they better have the scout book close by to show him! I believe that this is an learning expericne for the scout and me. Most of my errors are what have been taught the troop over the years that do not agree with the scout handbook. Okay now when you remove the baseball style scout hat where do you put it?
  9. dan


    My son troop also has a rule of no hot dogs, hamburgers, BBQ chicken, poptarts or cookies unless they are made from scratch. The leaders also has a 10 dollar budget per scouter, but they usually go over that. The troop has decided that the leaders will show the scouts how good they could eat it they wanted to really put forth the effort, I was talking with one of the older scouts about what we where eating, and he said Oh course you have to try to outdo everyone again didnt you! Sounds like the plan backfired!
  10. Chippewa29 How about printing this thread out and sharing it with the committee? There are many experienced and knowledgeable scouters here that agree with you. I can only imagine the years of experience we are pulling from here! But be careful make sure the committee is open minded enough to take suggestions from outside (from the troop)! Good Luck, and fight the good and brave battle. (Its to bad it has to be a battle).
  11. Papa bear wrote Please, adults be adults If only they could! Just because someone is an "adult" this does not make them "grownup" or responsible!
  12. Bake some cobbler in dutch ovens, apple, cherry, pineapple,or whatever is your farvorite, and now for the treat with ice cream!
  13. Oh this is a continuation of THAT discussion!? The one I have stayed out of. Well my thoughts on it is, Wait it does not matter what my opinion is about gays being BSA leaders, because I will follow the BSA polices, and if I do not like them I will try and to change them or leave the organization, but not through an online message board! My last 2 sentences just said that my son troop does the same thing as yours did with the Bobbies Monkeys fistiey thing without the Bobbies Monkeys fisty thingie.
  14. BB So I guess I am a little slow. What are you asking for? Comments on you monkey fist thingie? A better way to do it? Is it a good idea? Comments on Bobbies Rules thingie? (communtiions is an ar5t form ) I guess its okay but scouts should not need a monkey fist to talk in turn. My sons troop does the same thing except they do not use the monkey fist. All scouts and leaders can comment on what they liked and disliked about the outing. Only person that can comment is the SM.
  15. TJ 1980 blacks could be accepted as leaders, and their bible was rewritten. B4 that they could be members of the church but not leaders.
  16. Cotton Kills?! How? Cold and Heat or is there something more?
  17. scoutmaster (s) There was a thread here a while ago about leaders trying to change the troop to boy lead troop. It seems to be gone now. It discussed that trying to change to boy lead from leader lead and how diffcult it was trying to get the older scouts to change, they wanted it the old way, where the leaders did all of the planning and work. This is just a heads up to you! I am also a relativly new leader 1.5 years. I have learned a lot through this site, but question many things you may read here, get out the scout handbook and the scoutmaster handbook, and you will find most of your answers. IMHO it is eaiser for a scoutmaster to run a non boy lead troop. It is easier to do the work than lead them down the correct path! I am a asm and watching and learning. There is a real art in getting the scouts to also follow the BSA way, but well worth it. Training is good, but it is not your only tool, use the handbooks, ask question here and verfiy them in the handbooks. Remember it is for the boys and have fun. After a rough meeting or outing look at the boys that you are helping to grow into men and smile!
  18. LauraT7 You can use Microsoft Word to design a very basic web page or site, Just save as an HTML, an option in Word. Geocities has a web page builder that is a step up from Word, with directions on how to build a website and save it to a server (FTP File Transfer Protocol) Check out the BSA site for rules, it is posted somewhere in this forum but I could not find it. I will keep looking. Most web developers use tools such as Front Page or Dreamweaver to design and build web pages. Our council's policy is at www.threefirescouncil.org this will answer some of your question I think. Most ISP providers allow users to have web sites on there servers. www.scouter.com will probably be fine, it seems like a small amount of space that is allocated for you, but you can put alot of data in that space including pictures.
  19. Where would you draw the line on what could and could not be brought over from Cubs to Boy Scouts? The line must be drawn somewhere. I had a discussion with other leaders about signing off of the YP phamplet in the front of the Scout Handbook, they said they did this in Cub Scouts just sign the book, I did not. I believe the only things that can be brought over from Cubs to Boys are the Arrow of Light and religioious Knots. The above 2 are in the Handbook. You have this in writing, show this to the PLC, I do not know how they could not come up with any other decsion than new scouts need to earn the totin chip.
  20. OH my! I CANNOT believe I am going to say this! I have to agree with Rooster! Every person is different and should be rated on his works/deeds not age.
  21. dan


    In my son troop, the patrol picks a grubmaster for the campout, the patrol writes out a menu and duty assigments. the grubmaster collects 10 dollars from each patrol member attending the campout. The grubmaster purchases the food. This troop does not have leaders eat with the patrols, the leaders cooks as there own patrol.
  22. Another troop following the program, NOT! What would happen if the scout refused to pay but tucked his shirt in?
  23. sst3rd Well I have had my meeting with the scoutmaster and guess what I am not the scoutmaster. The Scoutmaster and I have a very good realtionship and he is looking for input to help the troop continue to prosper. Communcaton is a 2 way street. I really beleive that the program help would help the troop, it could be a starting point for the PLC, once new or different ideas are brought up, it usually will make left side of the brain start to work more (this is called brainstorming). The scoutmaster does not want to use the program help, but we talked about it and I got my ideas out! As one of my bosses once said if your not changing you are moving backwards! Our campouts have gotten into a rut same theme same actvities for each monthly campout, I am trying to help the PLC and the scoutmaster make a better program. I want the PLC to plan the activites like it says to do in the Scoutmaster handbook, Have a plan, we seem to be winging it. Thank you for the feedback SSt3rd, Scoutpaul,and SagerScout.
  24. I may have missed this, but once the patrols are picked the older patrols should be recrurting the younger boys into their patrols. The patrols job is to grow. Once the patrols are assigned the 1st time, the patrol should be deciding who joins the patrol not the adult leaders. exception would be made for older boys coming into the troop
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