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Everything posted by dan

  1. It saddens me to tell you that the BSA does not have a rule for non-smoking. The Charted Organization decides this issue. The Guide to Safe Scouting says that scouting SHOULD be done smoke free, here is the excerpt. All Scouting functions, meetings, and activities should be conducted on a smoke-free basis, with smoking areas located away from all participants. You can find the Guide to Safe Scouting Here, http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?c=xds&terms=Guide+to+Safe+Scouting&x=16&y=12 Go to www.scouting.org and you can download the Guide.
  2. What is a Scout is Reverent patch? something from your council. I have 8 scouts for greeters and ushers on the 2nd at the church where we meet, but is not the CO. Would be intrested in knowing more about this patch.
  3. It was a test? I took the dates off of my councils' website. This is what is on the BSA site. February 2 Scout Sunday 4 Vivekanda Jayanti, Hindu 8 Scout Sabbath Nirvana Day, Buddhist Maybe it is a council descion on what day is Scout Sunday or Sabbath. My guess is council website has a mistake.
  4. You cheated!!! You owe us 4 more posts to make it a real 1000.
  5. Feb. 2 Scout Sunday Feb. 8 Scout Sabbath and Scout Sunday Methodist
  6. acco40 Does this mean that you use to be a bald eagle, a good old bald eagle too? But now you have finished balding you are going to work you lawsuit.
  7. Okay Than it should be TJLT = one day training within the troop JLT = one week of training usually given by council. The council I am in calls the JLT Thunderbird. Just trying to tell who is on first.
  8. Why would he have to have a buddy to do the merit badge with? A buddy to meet with the counselor, but not do the merit badge.
  9. Eagledad I am and was not confused! Well not anymore than normal. The troop I am in has done the PLC meeting before and after and monthly, depending on the SM. Right now it is monthly 3 years ago it was after the troop meeting. I just wanted to know how others do it and how it works. Thanks for the Info. Any others willing to share?
  10. There is a thread here that talked about having a 20 minute PLC meeting every week, instead of a 2 hour meeting every week. I could not find it, so I well Bring it up here. What does your troop do for PLC meetings, one a week in place of a troop meeting or a 20 minute meeting before or after the troop meeting or on another day altogether? I wanted to ask the person who suggested the 20 minute meeting is how much does the PLC plan or do. In your troop does the PLC plan the troop meetings with an agenda? Brainstorm for High adventures? Plan and setup campouts? Or is this done outside the PLC and only high levels details talked about at the PLC, like is the agenda done and they approve it?
  11. I think I finally got it! JLT = a one day course usually done at the troop level JLTC = a one week course usually done at the council level let not turn this into FUD just a little SWIM. TTFN
  12. dancinfox I only have adobe acrobat reader, the free one, I would not be able to edit this document would I?
  13. I was at Trainer Development Conference yesterday, a very good course lot of info in a one day course. It was stated that some training will be on line this year. It sounded like it would be the Basic courses, New Leader Essentials, Cub Leader Specific, Boy Scout Leader Specific, Youth Protection.
  14. OK, I give, what does the C stand for?
  15. Zahnada\Hanaski Do you believe that if BSA allowed avowed (whatever that means ) homosexual leaders and atheists that membership will increase? Or are you suggesting that hire a PR firm to put a positive spin on not allowing them in? I am not sure which way you are leaning.
  16. TwoCubDad Your 2nd assigment is too look internally at the uniform police, you have one in your divison that is using the terms Class A or B!
  17. Twocubdad You are now the unoffical uniform cop. Your 1st mission if you decide to accept it, is to get all of the Scouters that use the term Class A, either to use the offical term Activity uniform, if they refuse, you have the power to set them straight. that symbol means tounge firmly in cheek!
  18. mark I agree with everything you said except for one point. Worst case scenerio. His son and 31 boys leave scouting becuase it is BORING! CubsRgr8 This will happen again unless your sons patrol leaders and others speak up at the PLC! Please keep us informed!
  19. dan

    PLC Uniforms

    It is not required, but did the BSA not give us the tools to have the scouts wear the uniform? Meaning the leadership topic from the Scoutmaster handbook? Or am I trying to put adult leadership against scouts? As far as an Eagle without a uniform could you not say as Eagle is suppose to be a leader, so he should be in a uniform to be a leader? Ed, Ed, do you not mean activity uniform! hops_scout I really would like to hear your thoughts on my post (I like the scout side of the story!)
  20. I would suggest that you have the Scout Handbook handy at the PLC meetings to review, what it says about nutrition, camping and so on. And say in this book you will find the BSA way that cooking/camping should be done. All of the above has been excellent suggestions, but how will it get the older boys more involved, did I miss something?! They know how to tie knots, light fires, put up a tent, and not all scouts wants to teach new scouts at every campout. Which should be the troop instructors or guide job not the older scouts. If they have been in the troop for 5 years and have attenened half of the campouts that would give them 30 campouts, not incuding high adventures, the campouts are going to become the same thing after a while. Cany you come up with 6 new and different things every year? That would be tied to Scouts? Something that we are going to try is to have one of the older patrols set up a campout, today the PLC sort of comes up with a plan (needs work). We are going to ask the PLC if a patrol could set up the campout (with a theme) and tie scout skills to the theme. Possibly a contest between patrols. Something new and fun. Not the same old light a fire and burn a string contest. Hopefully I can get them to use some games from Wood Badge!!? I am hoping that with some ownership they will come to the campout and have fun. Hope this helps and I also welcome feedback. PS: do not take the junk campout away from them! We have one a year which is in a cabin in winter, where the scouts can bring pop, candy, hot dogs, and any electronics they want! The adult leaders hate it, the scouts love it. Maybe you can use this as a carrot to help the other campouts?
  21. pfann I have some really bad news for you! The BSA does not ban smoking! it is up to the COR to decide if it is okay to smoke with scouts present. I thought the same as you but if you read the GTSS it says that smoking may be banned, not is banned!!
  22. dan

    PLC Uniforms

    I would take my Scoutmaster Handbook to the meeting and read them this from it. "A boy scout is not required to have a uniform to be a Boy Scout. However, troop leaders should set a good example by wearing the uniform themselves and by encouraging each scout to acquire and wear a uniform." This is within the Uniform and Insignia Chapter 15 Trailhead. So if you require scouts to wear uniforms to be a member, you are not following the BSA way. Almost everyone at the PLC meeting is a leader, correct? I would take this a step farther and if the SPL ASPL, PL, TG, etc. is not wearing the uniform, I would discuss this with him and if he was not willing to wear the uniform I would remove him from the leadership position. This way I am allowing him to remain in scouts without a uniform. Does the Scoutmaster wear his uniform the PLC meeting along with other adult leaders? Also I would suggest to the SPL to allow the activity uniform as an option during hot days or special occasions. (This message has been edited by dan)
  23. Ozemu Conversion not quite right 40C equals 104F. 1280F would be 693C, a little too hot to even bake a cobbler! So I have to ask! What religion are you? But Be prepared this may bring on more questions and statements that you or I may want to address!
  24. So, Dan, my question is: are the adults the one's who are driving the SM's tendency to run everything? Okay you have me total confused? Not that it takes much! I said nothing about the the SM driving everything! Where did you read that at?
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