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Everything posted by dan
I just got off of the hypothetical phone with this invisible hypothetical ex-scout. He has informed me since his Scout Spirit is so bad he is going to give up on HIS (well okay maybe the scoutmasters) Eagle and spend his time carousing, marauding, piliging and plundering. Seems to me that the BSA failed this young man.
purcelce thank you, it is sometimes hard to tell the tone of the written word. When is the Jamboree, is it at the air force base, is the air force base still there? I am located in St. Charles, a few miles from Rantoul.
A heads up, we made water rockets at a training event, we where told if you do this, make sure you only use virgin bottles, one little scratch in the plastic and it may explode. Not sure about this but a heads up anyway.
Your reply only raises more questions for me. Why do you need 3 troop guides, is all of the other important leadership roles filled, historian, chaplain, etc? With that small of a troop, make sure you have the important leadership position filled. Did the Patrol Leader really pick the patrol name and yell for the patrol, how does this fit in with the idea that a patrol is a team? Failing, that word was not used by me, but since you brought it up, I do not believe just because a troop survives does not mean it did not fail. Tailoring is something you do with a suit and not the BSA program. I was not disappointed until I read your last post. I gave a couple of suggestion, and it seemed that you took it as a slam. Or did I read to much into your post?(This message has been edited by dan)
http://www.threefirescouncil.org/ look under training than awards
Should a troop guide be in a patrol? Or should he be part of the leadership role? Seems that to do a good job with the new scouts for the first few months he would not have time for his patrol.
purcelce Could you not have used the older scouts as troop guides for the new patrols instead of making them the Patrol Leaders? A troop guide IMHO would allow more leader ship for the older scouts and give the new scouts experience in leading and being lead. One of the reasons that it is suggested that Patrol Leaders rotate every 30 days is so that the new scouts can see and participate in the leadership of the troop at the PLC meeting as a active participant. You may be small enough to have all scouts at the PLC but remember who has a vote or say at the PLC. I really do not like that the Patrol Leader come up with the patrol names and flag, this should be the whole patrol deciding this not just the patrol leader. I am finding that trying to make changes after these types of things happen are harder than fumbling through the first 6 months as the scouts learn how to do all of this. The troop my son is in has setup some things that is not really the correct way to do it, and almost all of my ticket items are addressing these. Just some food for thought!
We have the same issue with stuff magically moving from one patrol box to the other! I am guiding the troop to spread the patrols out, so that it would be a hike to borrow something from another box. The PLC discussed engraving everything and they deceided it would be more effort than good. Inside is standard cook kit, pots, pans, and utensils, cutting board, measuring cup, oil, griddle, foil, fire gloves, dutch oven tool, dish soap, cleaning sponge, paper towels. And whatever else they leave in there! And yes the leaders have are own box and we our not fond of it, it is huge and heavy. It is different than the boys. It takes 4 of us to move it safely. This patrol box was made as a ticket. I do not think the paint will hold up over time?
I am assuming that he has yet to do his service project and a few merit badges. I assumed, nothing to sign when he comes back. This scout would have a tough time recruiting scouts to help with the service project, at least in the troop I am with, which would/could/should be a great learning experience for him! The scoutmaster should try to guide him toward a service project that would require much help (hours) from within the troop.
hypothetical YES For a scout to say he wasn't in the mood, should be a red flag that the program was not working for this scout. WHY All requirments have been meet, unless you could show me one that hasn't. Do you think if the scout went to the council or whoever has the final say, would they say no?
fotoscout If a Cub Scout Leader, who has been with boys since tiger scouts, moves into boy scouts with the same kids, is it a good idea to assign that person as the ASM for New Scout Patrol? I say no, this leader should go to training before he is assigned to a new scout patrol and learn what boy scouts is before working with new scouts, and the scouts need to start working with other adults.
"Third, we have already had a dignitary tell us to not call him for the next Eagle ceremony" Do you really think this is the right person to act as a "dignitary" (i use that term very loosely) if this person cannot see beyond a hair color (and who knows what else he cannot see beyond) I would call him and say good you do not represent what the BSA represents, thanks, bye. "First, he dyed it especially for the COH-he usually does not have fluorescent red hair." SO? Most teenagers try to stand out, and make a statement, he is an eagle! Did he feel he could not do this until he got his eagle or he would be held back (if this is true, bad troop or council) "Second, relations with our chartered org are rather shaky right now--and our chartered organization's head was giving the benediction. He was not impressed" I have to ask what is your CO, church, school, or what?
fella Was Bin Laden in Iraq? Was he not working with the Taliban? Was the Taliban not part of Saddam army? 9/11 changed the US, we now have to worry about being attacked at any time and anywhere, we did not fear that before 9/11. People in Iran, Iraq, Ireland etc. .... have lived with this possibility there whole lives, this is new for us. We had more than our pride hurt, we had people killed. Are you willing to sit back and wait for another attack?
fella thinks what way!?!? My point was not about earrings, it was about bringing up old post about the same thing, without adding any meat to them. and the problem with OGE is he from the wrong "patrol" Foxes rule! How is the ticket coming OGE!
fella I take it your are on a crusade for earrings. I got it, you think earrings are okay, you do not have to bring anymore up for me, I got it the after the 3rd one you brought up!
btps Hard time dealing with change? To throw a comment out like that with no reason why is just silly (not the word I really wanted to use). Have you gone through the on line training? If you have tell us what you think it is missing, if you have not gone through it, I do not beleive you have a reason to comment.
News agenices are more "open" outside of the USA!? You have that backwards.(This message has been edited by dan)
Fox River by Yorkville, there is a couple of campgrounds right by the river. There is a place in Yorkville that rents canoes and you can canoe down to your campground. I think the campground we stayed at was Hide a Way, It is a RV park, but down by the river is tents only. A little white water on the Fox River in Wisc. Kanakee River is also nice and the Kanakee State Park is right on the river. try this http://www.woodalls.com/outactiv/states/usa_il.cfm
OGE I know nothing about that picture. But I did find the 2 alleged letters he received from the BSA removing him from the BSA here, and a few more pictures of him. http://www.lambdalegal.org Is it going in the direction you thought it would?(This message has been edited by dan)
Is this the picture? http://www.dybbuk.com/mgp/people/jamesdale.html http://christianity.about.com/library/weekly/aa090899.htm In July 1990, Dale was interviewed by the Newark Star-Ledger, which ran an article reporting on a seminar that addressed the psychological and health needs of lesbian and gay teenagers. In connection with the interview, Dale's photo appeared in the Star-Ledger with a caption identifying him as co-president of the Rutgers University Lesbian/Gay Alliance. Later that month, Dale received a letter from BSA Monmouth Council Executive James W. Kay, revoking his BSA membership. In response to Dale's request for the basis of his dismissal, Kay indicated that the standards for leadership established by the BSA specifically excluded homosexuals.
OGE Ok you made me smile! Thanks. If my old memory serves me correctly the picture with him in uniform was taken after he was removed from the BSA.
scoutdlr Now do not get me started on Spongebobs' neighbor!! Squidworth(sp?)!!!!!
Whew! I think that maybe the point I was trying to make may have got lost in here some where! The point I was trying to make was that I think the policy for tobacco use should be worded stronger. Some of you may think it leaves no wiggle room, but just the fact that some posters think the policy is flexible should give you pause. When I confront a diehard smoker (who thinks it is okay to smoke anywhere) I would like the policy to be firmer
Twocubdad I lost an disagrement on this one with a DE!!! You did not use all of the words that is in the BSA quote. Boy: "May I have a cookie?" Dad: "I SHOULD not let you, I MAY NOT ALLOW you a cookie." Say What!?!?
Bob What I posted was off of the BSA web site, and what I posted and you posted say the same thing. may not allow and should means the same thing. "Adult leaders SHOULD support the attitude that young adults are better off without tobacco and MAY NOT allow the use of tobacco products at any BSA activity involving youth participants."