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Everything posted by dan

  1. I usually do not look at those. I think I remember Scouter Terry fixing it so those did not show up a while ago. The moderators must be busy I do not remember this many showing up before. Did you really see one that bob white was back? (This message has been edited by dan)
  2. Beavah You would make a good reporter. Only use the part of the quotes that fits what you want. If you would have use the rest of that quote it would not have been as good would it have?
  3. Troop uses Eureka 4-man Timberline tents with a vestibule. The 2 man Timberline are pretty small tents. There are different models of the same tent. The one that Gander Mountain carry the 4 man timberline, but the floor are not as thick as fabric and they only have one door on them. We will use the timberlines for backpacking on the less strenuous trips. With the 2 men timberlines it would be tight for a couple of the bigger scouts to fit in them. Campmor has the 4 man tent for 160.00 dollars the vestibule is extra. it is 8'9" x 7'2" The 2 man tent is 110.00 dollar 7'2" x 5'3". Usually 2 scouts are in a tent, but sometimes they put 3 in when they have an odd numbers or it is cold out.
  4. OGE AIM Higher! I would not want the BSA assocatied with those a$&3@.
  5. NO, there are a lot better bike builders out there than those guys!
  6. who's gonna raise the monies needed to pull this off? I nominate Gold Winger.
  7. When did the BSA start FCFY? When my son joined the troop 6+ years ago the troop was running a FCFY program, but they did not know what FCFY was!? The troop was started in 1980 and the way the old timers (I am one of them now!) tell it was all which run this way, if the scouts came to at least 8 of the 12 campouts and most of the troop meetings and applied themselves they where first class in about a year. The only thing the troop has trouble with in the swimming requirements, finding a place to do these with a BSA life guard is a struggle sometimes. It sure seems to me that the BSA saw that the troops that had a full schedule working on and with scouting things kept scouts longer and had a well run troop so they tried to give the leaders a tool to help with the program, the BSA just did not know that many leaders do not know how to use the tools correctly. Seems many leaders look at the tool as a hammer and a hammer will fix anything.
  8. The brother in law and sister in law did this with their son. I told them what I thought about it and soon after they changed their mind, I do not know if it was my little talk with them, but I like to think so. But I doubt it. We have 2 in the troop now that was given this stipulation also. I think one of them would have gotten Eagle without the parent holding the license for ransom, the other I doubt it, they are twins. I told the in laws to me that was like paying you children to get good grades. I know some parents do this, but it is something I am really not a fan of.
  9. jwall IMNSHO it should be the troop guides or troop instructors that should be training the other scouts. Age should not have anything to do with it. It should be the SM job to train the guides or instructors. It does not have to be the SM that trains them, he should just see that they are prepared to do the training at the meetings or campouts.
  10. jwall I am not sure you understand what a boy scout troop should be. I maybe incorrect on this but if you are looking for a troop where the adult leaders show the scouts a dutch oven cooking or any other skills presentation you are looking for a Webelos III troop in my opinion. Which sounds like the troop you are in now. I have been an ASM for 6 years, it usually is a pretty boring role in the troop. There is nothing for me to do. Which is what an ASM role is to just be there. The leadership should be coming from the scouts. During troop meetings I am usually bored out of my mind. On campouts it is not as boring I can walk around talk to the patrols and get to know the scouts.
  11. Here are a few pics from when we went. http://groups.msn.com/BoyScouts/doublehexp714bb.msnw
  12. I did not see any scorpions, the ranger did not say anything about scorpions. We where told when setting up your tents do not set them over any mouse holes, they would eat through you tent if you setup over there homes. I do not believe that you will be able to sleep under a trap, you will be required to use a tent just like at Philmont. EagleInKY Has the troop decided where to go yet?
  13. The only Ginger I know is the one from Gilligan's' Island. But I most likely would just leave the BSA if that happened. The same if they changed to include all gays and atheists and agonistics. But if you are talking about ginger the spice, not a big deal, now if it was garlic! I am out of here.
  14. dan

    Class "A" Question

    What I even find my intriguing is that this UP is Wood Badge Trained and was a Wood Badge Staffer and the head advisor for OA. So its not like he does not have the complete uniform. We where not out in the woods either we where in a church. Oh well you can lead a horse to water but than you have to stop beating the horse that kiced the bucket.
  15. dan

    Class "A" Question

    I am not paranoid, I sometimes wonder when the black helicopters are coming to take me away but I am not paranoid. I have been called a UP on this forum before. I have pointed out to some scouts when they are wearing the uniform incorrectly. I have been "attacked" in person by a UP, he pointed out that my patches where not on my uniform perfectly. He went on for about 5 minutes I glanced down at his blue jeans made that face that I make and walked away.(This message has been edited by dan)
  16. dan

    Class "A" Question

    The uniform police will get ya! again! How many infractions does one get before something bad happens?
  17. dan

    Class "A" Question

    I don't think the objection to the terms "class A" or "class B" has anything to do with a military connotation. It's because there is no standard definition; every troop has its own peculiar definition of "class A/B". One cannot look in the Handbook to find out what is meant by those terms. That's okay the scout can look up the terminology in the troop by laws. :0 Edited trying to find the correct smiley face for sarcasm.(This message has been edited by dan)
  18. I think I would sit down with the new SPL and ask him how he is going to make the older scouts do everything, and also how he was going to uphold his election promise to the two younger scouts while following the Scout Oath and Law.
  19. I found it quite amusing that a Wood Badge thread turned into a discussion about anatomically correct cow costumes. When I took Wood Badge 2 of the staffer would do a MOO MOO skit thingie everyday, it was funny until about the 4th time, it was getting old the last time they did it they where in anatomically correct cow costumes. It cracked almost everyone up. A couple of people did not think it was funny. No Bull!
  20. The CC of the troop is from Sweden you should hear what he has to say about socialized medicine. It is nothing good and most of it could/should not be typed in this forum. OakTree Are you going to share some of that Bug Juice that is making you so happy. Only kidding love your attitude. Does it really matter which party a candidate is from? It usually just a vote for the worst of 2 evils.
  21. Oh my that is a real MY BAD, on my part. Sorry Manuelsmum.
  22. I assumed it was his son and him. Not the Den. Edited to change pack to den.(This message has been edited by dan)
  23. I would say it is a good project, BUT it would not be complete until a traffic light is installed or the police are directing traffic on school days. That should make him reconsider.
  24. If someone thinks that BSA has got it wrong they should either Try to change the BSA in an orderly manner rather than disobeying the rules. OR Quit. Bevah That is unfair and unkind to say the BSA in like Congress. So it is okay to whine and complain about the BSA whenever someone posts here, but it is not okay to defend the BSA? I find that rather odd. I even gave a "work around" that would not cost money money money, and yet it is still an issue. If one would go back and read some of my old posts I am sad to say that you will see that I was a lot like other posters here that only complained and whined about the BSA. But after being involved with it a few more years, I learned that the good more than out weighs the bad. And the bad is really not that bad.
  25. Looking at a troop just a couple times probably will not tell you anything. Even going camping with them once a twice may not tell you much either. A troop meeting or a campout may look out of control to adults, but the scouts could have everything in complete control. What are you looking for in a troop? One that your son will make Eagle? One where your son may make Eagle? One where your son will be tested and grow? If a troop is not having patrol time during a meeting or the patrols are not cooking for themselves I would not even look any further at this troop. If they do merit badges with all scouts at a meeting without giving other scouts that do not want to work on the badge something else to do I would skip this troop. I think it is okay to get scouts started on a merit badge at a meeting an overview if you will, but if they complete the merit badges at the troop it would not be the troop for me. If they do not do High Adventures I would not join that troop, once the boys get to be 13 they need some more adventures. Does the troop have a Troop Leadership training every year? Do the troop meetings have a written agenda? and the campouts? Are the meeting fun with some work also? I do not believe a Webelos II has enough knowledge to pick a good troop without help from his Den Leader. And if you are planning on joining the troop you need to be comfortable with it also. There is no perfect troop out there, join the one that best fits your and your sons needs.
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