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Everything posted by dan

  1. My nephew had his Eagle Board of Review 2 weeks ago. He had to invite 3 people to be part of the Board of Review. He was told that they did not have to be a member of the BSA to be on the Board of Review. One person he invited was my sister. He is my nephew from my wife's brother, so my sister is not related to him. My sister is not involved in scouting at all. She said they gave her a list of question to ask, which sounded like they where the run of the mill Board of Review questions. I have never heard of a scout selecting Board of Review members. Or members on the Board of Review not registered with the BSA. He is in a different council than I am in. Have you every heard of a scout picking his Eagle Board of Review members? Or Board of Review members not being a member of the BSA? Oh yeah he passed the Board of Review.
  2. This is best place I have found to get info. Last week no one was worried about the turtle lake fire, the plan was let it burn to the portages and than contain it. As of Saturday the Canadians where going to help fight the Cavity Lake fire. Because it was heading toward them. From what I read, if you stay out of the blow down area, you should still be able to have campfires. I cannot find the map of the blow down area but it is on the website I posted. They got almost an inch of rain today that should help, with a 83% chance of more rain. (This message has been edited by dan)
  3. Maybe you where over packed, A LAPTOP! which is why you do not like to portage! How many portages did you do with a 70 mile trip? We did a 50 mile trip a few years back and did around 15 portages. Did you know that portage` is a french word that means uphill both ways? Talked to a scout troop from Tennessee, they said the only bear they saw was in base camp also at Northern Tier.
  4. purcelce Did you make it back? Did the 2 fires change your trip plans. You had great weather starting Monday
  5. dan

    Uniform Example

    GREAT STORY! Thanks. My pet peeve yelling SIGNS UP.
  6. My son said he really enjoyed this camp. He has been there twice. Camp L.E. Phillips http://www.bsa-cvc.org/psr.htm
  7. I will be heading to the BWCA on Friday with my family. If you are going to fish, pick up some leeches! I will be staying around Lake One, if you are going to be around that area let me know and I will keep an eye out for you! If you see a guy in a green loon Kayak wave.
  8. To start this I must say that I have never sat on a BOR I am a ASM. There are a few things in this thread that I do not understand. How would a BOR know that a scout did not complete merit badges? How would this even come up in a BOR? How would it ever come out in a BOR that the scout really did not complete the POR, if the scoutmaster has already signed off of the requirement? Is it not common to ask the question what POR did you have while you have been a Life scout, and maybe a discussion with the scout on how it went. How would you even start the discussion about the scout not really having a POR. Backwood Did this BOR start with the knowledge that these things where not done? It seems like the BOR tried to punish the scout for adults mistakes.
  9. Aquila calva and Hunt You both have latrine duty of pot scrubbing duty! Great post from both of you! Thank You.
  10. National Youth Leadership Training has a session about putting on a campfire program, how to plan them, how to run them, the six items listed on troop 42 website are in the NYLT session as inappropriate skit material. I do not think this makes it BSA policy.
  11. A fox slowly slinks into the the room. Clears his throat. I used to be a FOX, a good old FOX too. But now I'm finished FOXING I don't know what to do. I'm growing old and feeble and I can FOX no more. So I'm going to work my ticket if I can. Back to Gilwell, happy land! I'm going to work my ticket if I can.
  12. OH MY The pinky thingie is a scout handshake but not the Boy Scout Handshake. I really cannot tell you what the handshake is, it is a secret! The brotherhood would be upset, if this secret gets out! Quick someone move this post to the OA thread, opps I did it now didn't I! Sounds like a really good scout, that could do that in a Tenderfoor BOR, good for him.
  13. I was/am not sure what a CO or COR responsibilities are. I found this on www.scouting.org Chartered Organization Responsibilities By receiving a charter from the Boy Scouts of America, the chartered organization agrees to Conduct Scouting in accordance with its own policies and guidelines as well as those of the BSA. Include Scouting as part of its overall program for youth and families. Appoint a chartered organization representative who is a member of the organization and will represent it to the Scouting district and council, serving as a voting member of each. Select a unit committee of parents and members of the organization who will screen and select unit leaders who meet the organization's leadership standards as well as the BSA's standards. Provide adequate and secure facilities for Scouting units to meet on a regular schedule with time and place reserved. Encourage the units to participate in outdoor experiences. Your Responsibilities Are Important As a chartered organization representative, you hold a key position in Scouting. While there is honor attached to this position, it is not an "honorary" one. Your primary function is to ensure that the chartered organization's Scouting program succeeds. The COR is head of the "Scouting department" in the organization, and as such the responsibilities of the units and leadership is ultimately the COR's responsibility. Unit Committee Each Scouting unit (pack, troop, team, or crew) is managed by a group of adults approved by the organization who serve as the unit committee. The committee's principal responsibility is to select the best-qualified leaders for the unit and see that they are supported in carrying out the unit program. The COR maintains a close relationship with the unit committee chairman. The goal is for the COR to report to the organization programs, needs, and successes on a regular basis. The COR also shares with the unit the desires and needs of the chartering organization. Thus, communication between the organization and its Scouting program is through the chartered organization representative. Communication With the Council The Boy Scouts of America, in its relationship with chartered organizations, depends on the COR to be the liaison between the local council and the organization. As the representative of the organization, you have the responsibility to share information between the council and the organization and vice versa. In fact, you are a voting member of the district and council. The council is a grassroots organization in that there are more CORs than council members at large. So the control of the council belongs to the chartered organizations. In summary of your responsibilities, think of a three-legged stool. The legs represent the unit, the chartered organization, and the Boy Scout council and its districts. The COR is the piece that makes the stool work. Tasks Now that we have discussed your responsibilities, what are some particular tasks that fall into your responsibilities? Encourage unit leaders to take training. Promote well-planned unit programs. Organize enough units to meet need. Promote recruiting new youth members. Encourage transition from one program to the next. Assist in annual unit charter renewal. Suggest Good Turns that benefit your organization and its community. Encourage regular unit committee meetings. Encourage active outdoor unit programs. Promote earning advancement, including religious awards, and recognition of leaders. Approve unit finance policies. Represent your organization to the district and council. Point out this is not an all-inclusive list, but a starting point. Here is the link to the above, I hope it works, I have had problems in the past with links to the BSA website. http://www.scouting.org/nav/enter.jsp?s=xx&c=ds&terms=CO&x=23&y=11 John-in-KC Could you share you thoughts on the above with what you have seen?
  14. LisaBob Is the troop really ready to have a COR running the show?
  15. I think the number one thing that needs to be on your list is that the COR needs to attend the Council meetings and vote and represent the troop. The first thing I think you need to do is get the write up of what a CO and COR is and what they should be doing, and share this with your COR, this may cause them to run! Someone here should know what BSA publication has that information (This message has been edited by dan)
  16. I also would like to thank the moderators. You all do an excellent job. I have no idea how you do it, I would be a deleting/editing fool It is good to see the Man of Steele post again, I hope all is well with you.
  17. gilski I think you should also be prepared to discuss requirement number 5 from the Life Scout Requirements at the committee meeting. Which is the one that I think the adult leadership maybe basing this requirement on. My sons troop also had all life scouts do a leadership project. The reason the scouts where given was that the POR leadership was not a strong enough leadership. Which is difficult position to discuss, it becomes a he said she said discussion. If you do a search you maybe able to find that thread which pretty much went the same as this one. I could not find the thread. Good Luck
  18. Crew21_Adv I am on the fence with you! I really have no problem with the mother wanting to know who is and why I was calling. Like I said all she had to do was ask. This call was Tuesday evening, it was a long and trying day a work, after the 3 day weekend so I was not on the top of my game either. Hey I am over it if this is the biggest issue I have with NYLT I will be a happy camper. While I think you are being over cautious, that is not a bad thing. I also have found that most scouts do not check emails very often. But the majority have cell phones. The scouts seem to be really protective of their cell phone numbers, which is a good thing. This scout is a really good kid, I really am looking forward to spending a week+ at NYLT with him. I do not have caller ID at home I really see no need for it and I am cheap! My biggest peeve about phone manners is when someone calls you and the first thing they say is Who is This? I usually answer with Who did you call?
  19. I have not heard of any high adventures done in SD. But I think hiking through the Badlands would be a great trip. Not sure if you could even do it. Custer State Park would be a great place also for a hike. Watch out for the Buffalo! Maybe a side trip to climb Devils Tower.
  20. I have tried this is Dan from National Youth Leadership Training, that only confuses them more. I have tried this is Dan from Scouts and usually get, you are not in our troop, who are you! And there is no way I am going to say this is Dan from the Council! There is just something about council calling your son that seems to make people uneasy. I feel that there is no reason to contact a parent every time I want to talk/email a scout. Now I am talking about 14 to 17 year old scouts not first or second year scouts. I was surprised to read that a Venture Crew Advisor feels that he has to provide parents that he has talked or will be talking to there children. These are 14 to 21 years old. This seems like you should only have to do this if there is an issue you need to discuss. I also would not be uncomfortable talking to a scout if his parents are not home; I find it hard to believe anyone else would either. It seems that we are doing some of the scouts work, the scout should be communicating with the parents, isn't this one of the skills we are trying to teach them?
  21. In my sons troop we have a scouter (as of 10 months ago, he was a scout in the troop before that) that has red leather loops with a fleur-de-lis embossed on them. He made these at summer camp, in his third year in scouting. He is very proud of them. I have never said anything to him about them not being official, did not seem like a very big issue to me.
  22. I had what I thought was a very interesting call on Tuesday night. I had to call a soon to be 16 year old scout, not in the scout troop I serve, he is a Staffer (youth) for NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training), (I am a Scoutmaster for NYLT) this scout has been blowing me off for 3 weeks, which rubs me the wrong way. I called his house and asked to talked to him, saying this is and said my name. His mom (At this time I did not know that it was his mother) said that she did not know if he was home, let her check (how do you not know if your son left the house? yes I know I am being catty) He was not home, I left a message with his mother to have the scout call me, (I was not expecting a call back from him, this was the fourth call to this scout with only one other callback.) Five minutes later his father calls (who is also a staffer on NYLT) and told me that his wife was upset that a adult called her son, and she did not know who it was. His father told me that when I call I need to say that I am with NYLT, so his mother knows why I am calling her son. It was not a very pleasant phone call. After about 5 minutes of his talking, I let out a big sigh and said, she could have asked. Has society gotten so bad that adult associations has to be done through a guardian on a phone? How would you even know if it is an adult on the phone? My 16 year old sons voice is as deep as mine? When you call a scout do you announce who you are and why you are calling to whoever answers the phone, without them asking? The scout did call me back that night, which was a good thing. Yes I needed to vent.
  23. Are we talking about a requirement that has been signed off or one that needs to be signed off? When you wrote completed I assumed this to mean the requirement has already been singed off.
  24. We are like EagleInKY except we use 35 gallon barrel, with legs, the legs are screw in. The barrels are bolted together to store them with the legs stored in them along with the grates. There is a rack welded on the side where the legs are screwed in and that hold the barrels together for storage. We do not have any holes in the barrels, this keeps all fire and ash within them. Sometimes they can be hard to start if there is no wind and we have wet wood. All wood to cook with is brought with us. Each patrol has a barrel. Dutch ovens fit in the 35 gallon barrel really well.
  25. You may not be adding to the requirements but in my opinion you are making them redo work they have already done. If that requirement has been signed off. You do not have to accept work signed off from other counselors. And the scout should not have to accept you as a counselor. The scouts in my sons troop, figure out who makes them rehash stuff they have done and they usually pass this on to the other scouts, so the counselor that does make them do the work again, or explain it in detail, usually do not get a lot of calls from the scouts for merit badges. EDIT I see nothing wrong with a refresh, but I have seen some counselors spend over an hour on a requirment that has already been signed off. (This message has been edited by dan)
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