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Everything posted by dampcamper

  1. im trying to buy a propane extension hose on the internet and im not sure what size the fittings are. i want to go from the propane tree to a stove. thanks dampcamper
  2. The parent finally had a e-mail communication with the CC and he stated that he was instructed to send a certified letter to the parent but nothing has been receive as of this posting. We don't know who would instruct the CC but he was still was reluctant to offer any info. This whole situation stinks. There is another son of this parent that is totally uninvolved in any of this but feels this will affect him and I can't blame him. Maybe a face to face with the local council is how to approach this.
  3. I would like to thank everyone for the information you provided. It has been helpful in my next course of action. I came upon this forum from a young scout that had questions that he could not get answered. He got help and so did I. DP
  4. What is the procedure to remove a scoutmaster that clearly doesnt belong in charge.
  5. This scout has had problems in the past but nothing serious until now. The sm has never liked this kid and has never hidden that fact.
  6. The letters were written to the injured scout, the injured scouts parents, the scoutmaster and the committee chair. There was no conference with anybody about anything until the committee meeting. this is common for this sm. She is very secrective and had contact with the scouts dad two days before the meeting with out saying anything.
  7. We have a rough scout in our troop and he always seems to get caught doing something wrong. Usually its minor but this year at summer camp one of the scouts had a birthday and though out the day the other scouts got in some birthday punches,all the time avoiding being caught by any leaders. Well this scout just happened to get in the last punch that put the birthday boy past his limit. It wasn't a fair punch, it was in the ribs and not the arm. The scout cried for about an hour but refused to go to the nurse. There was apologies and letters written to all concerned. At the next committee meeting with out the scout there or his committee member dad there was a discussion about what to do with this kid. The scoutmaster (female) wanted the scout tossed out of the troop, the committee chair offered that he be suspended from the troop for six months. There was a vote and he was suspended. The parent wasn't notified of what happened and he tried to contact the scoutmaster but was blown off. He finally found out through other parents that were at the meeting about the suspension. Does this sound a little extreme? Shouldn't the scoutmaster have followed the rules at camp and sent the the scout home on the spot? please help. Thanks DP
  8. If these scouts really lied and not just with held their answers then they should be disciplined. It should reflect the crime and not only teach the scouts a lesson but benifit someone also. On spitting if they were spitting on someone then they were wrong but how many out there can honestly say they never spit off of something like a light house? Sometimes leaders forget that we are dealing with teenage boys and they will do the same things we did at their age, one more arguement for male leaders.
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