Thanks for the recommendation of decision design.
We have a rather large Pack and seem to spend most of our time juggling excel spreadsheets. As a result, my question for everyone is if anyone is aware of website that provides for the features and functions...
1. Advancements/membership/den attendance, etc. for all levels from committee members to den leaders to parents to Scouts
2. Scout Finacials --- Scout Accounts
3. Pack Financials
4. Email accounts
5. Pictures
6. Maps
7. Registrations and sign-ups
8. Most important --- allows for the Scout accounts and registration/sign-ups to interact. Meaning that when an individual sign-ups for an event or registers for something and they want to pay using their Scount account the process knows how much is in the account and updates the account balance.
There are some sites that provide some of the capability, but none in total that I have come across.
Thanks for any assistance.