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Yes, I was not truthful and it is me that I'm talking about. So bring on all the bad talk about what a rotten scouter I am and how I am no longer qualified to be part of scouting. I deserve it for lying. I thought about just coming about and saying it was for me at the start, but I knew I would get all the *&^( about how I had my chance and blew it. I was looking for advise but also knew that there are a lot of posters out there that love to flame others. Actually, I was fine with not making Eagle until my son started CS. For all this time, Eagle wasn't a big thing for me as I've done other things that I'm proud of. In fact, I didn't argue with BSA at the time since I was off to the university that was my "long shot" and was in hog heaven. Years later, my son joins CS and I become a den leader. As I went through training, meetings, etc. people were asking why I didn't make Eagle and others were making a really big deal abut Eagle. You almost feel like a second class citizen if you don't have your Eagle. At that point, for the first time in my life I started to regret not getting it so I thought I should ask about it. I think I do a good job as a leader for the boys, but scouting has also been something that has opened this raw wound that has though a round about course led me to lie to this forum. I guess it's like being a really good bartender that everyone loves, but who is also a recovering alcoholic. Well, I've done my damage to myself and think it's best that this be my last post to this forum. For those who are here to help others who trying to be better scouters, keep the up the good work. I learned a lot from you and your advise. Your experience is a true blessing. For those who are on the negative or have the "holier than thou" bent. People who ask questions are looking for answers to help their program or to be a better scouter. You're negative opinion of them doesn't help. Try to help, not hurt. Tearing down people, especially when they are new to scouting and still trying to figure if this is right for them is the best way to convince them that it isn't. For my final parting shot: On the wearing of knots issue, I have kept quiet because of the flamers, but here's my 2 cents. People are motivated by different things and while some (especially some of the most vocal of this forum) are internally motivated to do it all for the boys and seek no recognition, others need a little bling to get them on the path until they can reach that internal motivation. For the record, I don't care if there are those who only do things for knots and look like 3rd world generals, if they're doing the job and keeping units open, I can live with it. Nuff said and out.
In my pack, we have an adult leader that completed all of his requirements for Eagle, except for the application. He said that he barely finished his last required merit badge by his 18th birthday, but when he went to turn in his application, he was told that the application needed to also be turned in prior to his 18th birthday. This was back in the mid-80s and he said unlike today,there was not a stated requirement to turn in the application by the 18th birthday. Talking to his wife, she said that he has his merit badge on display and it has all of the required merit badges, she has seen his Eagle project (it's still existing today), and he has his old scout book. I'm not sure if any of his teachers, ministers, etc. are still alive for his recommendation letters, but he's pretty successful today so I'm sure he would have gotten the recommendations back then. He's one of our most active leaders and a few of are thinking it would be great to get his Eagle (talk about a story for BL or Scouter magazine). Does anyone remember the requirements back then? From looking at my old scout hand book it has the merit badge and project requirements but does not state anything about having the application in or the COH by the 18th birthday. Also, how would I even start looking into getting this done?
We split our Tiger den of 14 into 2 Wolf dens. The Tiger DL decided that he was burnt out and didn't want to continue. Two new DLs stepped up and picked boys much like picking teams. They asked the parents if there were certain boys that wanted to stay together (my son and his best friend for example). It turned out well and both dens did well. The boys are pretty adaptable so splitting the den wasn't a big thing for them.
Well, my trip to England got cut due to lack of travel funds. Instead I decided to order the bead sets via online ordering. That was a month ago and I have not received them yet or even a status of the order despite multiple emails and even calling the Scout Shop in England twice. I had to call my credit card company and file a charge dispute against the Info Center at Gilwell Park for not fulling my order. It has been a pretty disappointing experience since the bead sets were for a beading ceremony.
We tried the donation closet at our pack, it didn't work. We acutally landed up donating a whole bunch of uniform stuff to another pack out of state that was in need. We live in a middle-class area where most of the parents can afford to buy new uniforms and such, but at the same time, they (including me) gripe about the cost and wish the price could come down. One of my biggest pet-peeves is the neckerchef slides. They don't stay in place and most of the boys lose theirs if they're running around (like boys do). At $5.00 a pop, it gets pricy really quick. When my son was a Tiger, he lost two before I made him tie his necker below the slide no matter what he's doing. It looks dorky, but at least he stopped losing them. As a DL, I made one of our first den projects to make a slide out of beads and paracord. It's cheap and it won't come off when the boys play. Now if I could also figure out how to make den hats and neckers...
My son just crossed over to Bear and it once again brings up the point of why we have a hat, necker, and slide (and belt buckles for Tigers) for each level? It makes scouting more expensive to participate in. Remember when CS wore one hat/slide/necker for the whole time except for Webs (basically the wolf uniform except for a dark blue hat with yellow stripeing)? I would even go as far as saying having different color neckers is ok since it make it easy to see your den in a sea of CS at pack meeting or if people wanted another piece of "bling" to give to the boys at crossover (and even those are pretty flimsy reasons). But I can't think of one good reason for having different slides and hats. If you simplify your product line, you gain efficiencies and hopefully reduce cost by producing in greater bulk numbers. With the economy in a downturn, BSA could score some points by doing things to help parents out in the wallet. OK, I'm done venting and feel better. Now I'm going to admire my son's new Bear stuff because before I know it he'll be a Web and have to buy a different hat/slide/necker.(This message has been edited by AFscout)
I'll be moving out of state this summer and sending my wolves to our brother den after crossover. As such, I wanted to give the boys in my den a small gift. Any ideas?
Anyone know of a good gear box I can keep all my camping stuff in (tent, stove, lantern, cooking gear, etc.)? I want to be able to just load the gear box into the van and go (especially if we have bug out in an emergency such as flooding, earthquakes, etc.) I'm looking for something large, wheeled if possible, and tough. Doesn't need to be waterproof, but at least be able to handle some rain without having it leak inside. I've thought of making a gear box out of wood (ala Patrol Box), but would really prefer something made out of heavy duty plastic. What do you use?
scoutfreakdad, For an adult it takes about 10 feet of paracord. I make them to give to my Denners as a gift for doing a good job. Since the kids (wolves) have smaller wrists, I only use 7-8 feet. The first one took me an hour to make. Once you get the hang of it, it'll only takes about 10 minutes for each one. Once I gave the first one, every boy wanted to be the next Denner.
All, Thanks for all the info. I'm still waiting to see if my trip will go through or not. I thought about buying on line, but the shipping cost (21 pounds sterling) for a set of beads (6 pounds) is deterring me from going that route. I may try to give the scout shop on Buckingham Palace Road a call. Hopefully they have the beads also since I'm not sure if I'll have the time to go out to Gilwell Park and back.
I may get to go to London for business. If I do I was hoping to get a set of WB beads at Gilwell Park. The question is that do they sell them there or do I have to go to a scout store in London. From what I could tell, for a google search, there aren't very many scout stores and they tend to do everything online. Has anyone been there?
My favorite technique for monday morning quarterbacks is to ask them what they would do and then if it sounds reasonable ask them to step up and take over the project/activity/leadership role the next go around. Usually, I get the "what did I just do" look and a quick 180 to get out of there (none of them ever came back to me to gripe) or in a few cases, I get new volunteers.
If you have access to a military BX/PX, they sell them over there cheaper than on the outside.
Some of the parents do believe "he who has the most toys win" and go all out to get every single belt loop/pin. At our pack, the policy is that the pack will only pay for belt loops/pins earned at pack activities, which mostly comes out to those earned at CS Day Camp. As a DL, I do a lot of activities which the boys earn belt loops, but I clearly let the parents know that the pack will not pay for the belt loops and it's the parent's responsibility to purchase the belt loops for their sons (I usually will work with the parents and buy all the belt loops and have them pay me back). I've never had a problem with the parents if we lay down the policy at the beginning.
Yet another Centennial Quality Unit Patch question
afscout replied to Buffalo Skipper's topic in Uniforms
Eagle, Nope. TC partners are not considered registered adult leaders unless they fill out an application and pay the fee (not sure why they would do it). The TC Den Leader is a registered adult leader.